View Full Version : Hobbies and Anxiety

19-02-15, 23:30
I'm a big fan of playing all sorts of Board Games, but because of my social anxiety and panic attacks, I'm not able to enjoy my hobby.

I used to play a lot with family, but that has become very difficult for me these days.

It's the same with most of my hobbies - anxiety and panic hold me back a great deal.

Is there anyone with the same problem with not being able to enjoy your hobbies?

20-02-15, 00:44
For the last few years, my life has mostly involved IMing with people I know well and binging on Netflix. The occasional MMO, but usually I'm too indirect/passive to really get active in guild life, so it loses its luster quickly. I used to be really active swimming, going on hiking trips, all kinds of stuff. But I guess I've become shut-in and dependent as I got older; I'm nervous even going down the street alone. That sort of thing definitely impedes hobbies.

20-02-15, 11:25
I've found that my hobbies have evolved as my illess and my personality has evolved....I now find crafts therapeutic because of my high anxiety levels.

I used to go to footie matches but I'm too fidgety at the moment...I miss that....but I do still manage to get out

I've also found walking helps...I joined a group on meetup for social anxiety and it has been a godsend in getting me out the house

22-02-15, 22:12
@ Strangelove - I'm pretty much the same, I find it very hard to be sociable because of anxiety and panic, so I tend to avoid anything where I have to be around more than one person at a time.

Online stuff can be fun, but as you say, it's never quite the same as being around people and being active.

@ Jacsta - Again, like yourself, I have found being creative helps a lot.

It's a pity you can't go to footie matches anymore, but glad to hear you get out and about and have found a good walking group.

Thanks for the replies.

26-02-15, 13:16
I'm the same as Jacsta, my hobbies have evolved as my illness has. I enjoy knitting for other people, writing my book and I am now learning to play the guitar.