View Full Version : Loud pop - Top middle of thigh

20-02-15, 10:44

While walking to work about an hour ago, I felt and heard a large pop/snap in the top middle of my thigh, followed by a lot of pain (that only hurt every couple of steps on that leg which was weird).

I got into work and sat down, the pain got worse and I started to feel anxious.

I googled it, and found one page (out o about 1000) that said I should go to the hospital immediately, I guess because I could have popped a deep vein.

Now i'm getting paranoid about it, the pain keeps dying down then coming back, and it feels really strange.

The pain is radiating from the top of the thigh to the right of the thigh.

I'm actually tempted to spend £50 to get a taxi from my work to the nearest walk in centre, or even A&E to get it looked at. Can someone give me some advice? Rather scared

Also I have the dentist at 2PM for tooth pain that I've been getting for a week, why does everything come along at once...

20-02-15, 19:37
I don't know if the pain is at the back or the front of the thigh, but this to me sounds like your hamstring. You often hear the term in sports that someone has ''popped'' their hamstring. Even a small tear or a slight tweak can cause a feeling of a pop or a snap - it's to do with all the small muscle fibers.

Given that you also hurt when you walk every couple of steps, it's got to be a muscle injury of sorts. I've never heard of anyone hearing a vein pop. And if you're vein had popped, I'm pretty sure you'd be in a bad way with regards to blood loss right now - and you'd know about it.

With these injuries use the RICE method. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Crack on with that ASAP as the sooner the better.