View Full Version : collarbone.

20-02-15, 10:55
I have been suffering from a right sided back/shoulder ache. It constantly aches and if i shrug my shoulders my right side is really painful. Sometimes in bed when i breath i get really deep pains in my right side of collarbone. I have other symptoms, nausea, acid reflux symptoms, headaches etc and been told i have a 2cm gallstone and gastritis and waiting to see a surgeon to have it out. I know gallstones can cause right sided shoulder/back pain but i don't get the attacks that people talk about. I am worried something is being missed i.e google tells me lung c gives you back and shoulder pain. I have had an x ray of my right shoulder and it was fine.

20-02-15, 17:18
Zippy , I know you are worried but you have had so much investigation into all this latest health worry. Do you not think with all the scans/xrays etc you have had they would have picked up lung cancer by now!!!!!!!

You have your diagnoses... now stop worrying... you will be fine after the op (which is routine there days. Mean while cut out all fat in your diet to ease the gallstone pain.


20-02-15, 18:17
Food/fat doesn't bother me and i don't get much pain in my gallbladder area.