View Full Version : Tongue Cancer Fear

20-02-15, 12:01
Hi everyone, the last few days my tongue has felt quite sore and ive had a look and at the back of my tongue there is a red patch with a tiny white spot and now im completely freaking out its tongue cancer. there is a slight burning sensation. Anyone had this or know what it could be? Could it be tongue cancer?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

20-02-15, 12:42
Hey Louise

I get what you have described quite often, especially when I am stressed. I get them on the sides of my tongue and they are really painful. They usually clear up in a week.


20-02-15, 12:42
Can anyone help? Im crying in fear right now. It has to be tongue cancer? i currently have a bad cold could that hav anything to do with it?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

20-02-15, 12:44
Can anyone help? Im crying in fear right now. It has to be tongue cancer? i currently have a bad cold could that hav anything to do with it?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

Oh hun I really understand how you feel *big hugs* I am the same when I am worried about illnesses.

Honestly, the most likely cause for what you have described is a simple ulcer.

Try some bonjela or rinsing with salt water to help soothe it.

Hope you feel better soon, take some deep breaths if you can xx

20-02-15, 12:44
Thanks for the reply snowflake. doesnt a red patch mean cancer though? what could the burning sensation be?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

20-02-15, 12:48
Not necessarily, a red patch most likely indicates some form of inflammation such as a mouth ulcer. You may have bit your tongue whilst eating too or burnt it on hot food or drink (I do this all the time)

Remember when we have health anxiety we focus more on the symptom/sensation that is worrying us and this can cause it to become more prominent.

I know you are worrying and upset and I have been there many, many times. I find writing down my concerns helps me rationalise it.

Hope you feel better soon x

20-02-15, 15:02
I only have a red patch on one side of the tongue and its right at the back so u hav really got to poke my tongue out far to see it. its really burning and stinging though and my throat is starting to burn as well. It has to be tongue cancer doesnt it? I hav all the symptoms?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

---------- Post added at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ----------

I have also realised that i posted back in september with the same symptoms which is a white tongue and a red patch at the back. Wat if ive had all this time? It looks exactly how it did bk in september so do u think it went?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

21-02-15, 09:35
Hey im so worried about this, my tongue looks really sore and red at the back and the rest of it looks white. Im so scared. I dont drink, i dont smoke and im 28 so do u think it could be cancer? Like i also said i had the same thing back in september so do you think if it was tongue cancer it wouldve gotten worse? Im worried i didnt realise it was there for so long and now its to late. I have attached a pic so please let me know what your thoughts? Has anyone had anything like this?

Please Reply ASAP
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

21-02-15, 11:33
Anyone have any ideas? Has no one had this before? It must be cancer. I cant think of anything else. Im so terrified.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

21-02-15, 11:56
Hi - this is my first post so I'm a bit shy:blush: I just wanted to sympathise though because you sound just like me when I'm freaking out in a panic over something.

I once went to my dentist worried because I had irregular red patches and white patches on my tongue and he said it was something harmless that didn't really have a treatment called geographic tongue. Weird name, but if you find a picture of it, it could be the same thing as you've got. The dentist is the best person to check with.

21-02-15, 12:06
Hi stagestruck. Thanks for the reply. Not sure if it would be that as i only have the one red patch at the back. i just cant focus on anything else, i keep looking at it hoping it wouldve gone away. my tongue also has a burning sensation which could be linked to tongue cancer? i noticed this back in september and not sure if it went away or i forgot about it so i couldve had cancer this whole time and now its too late.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

21-02-15, 15:46
I really understand what you are going through, especially when you say you can't focus on anything else. It is a horrible, horrible feeling. When we think about things constantly they often look/feel much worse than they actually are. It is most likely nothing to worry about, but perhaps getting checked out will set your mind at rest. I had a mole before Christmas that I was convinced was skin cancer and I was exactly how you are, beside myself with panic and worry, tears, allsorts. It turned out to be nothing. Hope things get easier for you xxx

22-02-15, 15:06
Hey everyone. My tongue still looks a tad odd. Whats the normal colour of a tongue? has anyones tongue ever looked like this? Does it look bad like it could be tongue cancer? i have attached another pic for u guys to see and if it looks anything out of the ordinary. The burning sensation seems to have gone and i dont seem to have any problems with my tongue In terms of moving it around.

Please Reply ASAP
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

22-02-15, 18:13
Hey again. I just dont know what to think with my tongue. Its so strange and ive never known this in anyone. Like i said i posted about this back in sept so not sure if it went away or ive had it this whole time. i have a job interview tomorrow and cant seem to focus on anything other than the fact i may have tongue cancer. has anyone ever known anything like this before?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

23-02-15, 15:46
Anyone? Its just the strangest thing and no one seems to have any idea about this?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

23-02-15, 18:17
Oral cancer doesn't typically present the way you described. A photo is by no means a way anyone could even begin to venture a guess. The rule of thumb is: If you have a node, area or lesion that doesn't resolve in 2-3 weeks see a doctor.

Positive thoughts

23-02-15, 19:02
Hey. The worrying thing is i may have had this for 5 months and if it was cancer would it have gotten worse by now? Would i have more symptoms?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

23-02-15, 19:12
Hey. The worrying thing is i may have had this for 5 months and if it was cancer would it have gotten worse by now? Would i have more symptoms?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

Yes, in 5 months, you'd be a very sick person. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. My inkling is that this has to do with biting your tongue or some other mouth/jaw/periodontal issue but I'm not a doctor. I have had oral cancer and what you describe doesn't present as such. What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

23-02-15, 20:04
Im going to try and make a doctors appointment and i will mention the anxiety as its controlling my life and im currently not treating it. Im starting to think it could possibly be thrush as my tongue is quite white and i had a look further back and theres what seems to be white spots however its not painful but i do have a weird taste in my mouth which is a symptom of thrush. I just dont get why i would get it. What causes it?

Love Louise xxxxxxxxx