View Full Version : Panic attacks and Voice Problems

15-01-07, 20:43
Sitting here wondering if the pain will ever go away. Believe me I want to overcome this "challenge" but can't seem to get over the hump. My fear is speaking in public and now I am constantly testing myself to see how I am doing. I will leave messages on my voice mail and practice speeches in the mirror looking for that break in the voice. When that crack occurs and I see failure on the horizon. I seem stuck between two worlds in which I am trying to fix the problem (stress reducing techniques, therapy, execrise) and trying not to let the problems consume my thougths 24/7. I have been doing this for so long now that I have forgotten how to speak correctly. I know there is no magic bullet but just would like to know that I am not the one only combatting these problems. I have found this forum to be very helpful and look forward to others sharing there experiences and advice... Peace MM

15-01-07, 20:59
It takes a lot of practise to be able to speak in public with confidence. I have done two presentations at college and the fear of mucking up is what we all think.

Always think of what you are about to say and make sure you speak slowly and cleary. You make think you are not speaking fast enough but from the audience's perspective you are.

Keep practasing and good luck!

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

17-01-07, 18:13
When I have a bad time with the panic attacks - I also cannot speak properly - whether I am in panic or not, it's also because its very hard to talk properly when you're thinking about taking properly. Try some 'automatic reading' and grab a book and read it out loud as fast as you can but making sure you say every word properly without skipping words or using slang - then next time, slow it down, and then next time, read with emphasis, then next time, memorise some and say it back - it really works - I have done this for a while now and it helps.
