View Full Version : Leukaemia AGAIN *please reply*

20-02-15, 15:49

So as many of you know, for the past 4 months I have had a horrible anxiety of leukaemia. I've posted about this before and I have read every single one of my replies, and I'm grateful for them. I know it seems like I'm rambling on about the same thing all the time, but I'm genuinely scared at the moment. Here are my symptoms..


The petechiae that I've been getting is my main symptom. I've been it for about 3-4 months and it is literally scattered all over my lower legs, some on my upper legs. If you look on Google images and search "Petechiae" you see like big perfectly round dots all over your legs and horrible bruising. Mine are like tiny, tiny red dots that you have to look up close to see. Some are in groups and closer together, but aren't clustered. I know it's petechiae because it's under my skin, not raised and they come and go.

However, I do have around 10 dots scattered around my legs that are red and the same size of the petechiae, but are topped with a minuscule scab like thing. Like literally the size of a pinprick, maybe smaller. Not sure if it's petechiae though.


I do get very mild headaches around my forehead area quite often, but these feel like tension headaches.

Itchy Skin

I have noticed in the past few months my skin has been really itchy, especially on my legs, under my chin and on my scalp. My legs are the itchiest, especially when exposed.


On my legs and inner thighs I have also noticed that I sometimes get these little pink raised rash mark things that aren't itchy. They're about the size of a 10p coin and I notice them in patches on my legs sometimes. Like 3-4 patches on my legs. Most of them are the size of a 5p coin. One that I had also had the petechiae dots on them, which did scare me!

I had an abdominal examination 3 weeks ago and I have no lumps or masses.

Haven't had a blood test. I may be going to the doctors next week.

What do you think is going on?



PS. I'm 14 years old and have always been pale, if that helps.

---------- Post added at 15:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ----------

Anyone? Anything?

20-02-15, 17:00
I know it's petechiae

No you don't. You're not a doctor. Googling doesn't make you an expert like that in medical matters. Remember that, we're all here because we forget that sometimes.

I'm not qualified to comment on your symptoms (although at least the rash, headaches and itches could well be down to anxiety), but if doctors aren't concerned it's X, Y or Z, you shouldn't be either.

20-02-15, 19:23
Go to the Dr and believe what they say.

20-02-15, 23:45
I had "petechiae all over my arms. I was paniced that it was leukemia too. I kept checking other people for them. Everyone had a few, but no where near as many as me... I kept panicing.

Then I checked my sister who shares bother parents with me... She had just as many as me or almost as many in the same places.

I then went to the doctor despite being relieved already and he looked at them, waved his hand and said in his african accent "Is no thing".

I literally have hundreds... maybe 6 or 7 hundred on my arms alone, and my doctor didn't even want blood work.

My advice is to check your family. If none of them have them, don't panic because it may be a recessive gene, but I think some people just have them as part of their complection.

Just so you know, these look just like the petechiae which you find on google. Like little burst blood vessels under the skin... Some are large enough to see plainly and some are so small I need to inspect closely.

Just relax and take care of your mental illness... I have started venlafaxine and clanazopam and I am seeing a light out of a 3 month terror... I wish I could help you more.

21-02-15, 00:22
If you have been googling leukemia you will know that the rash appears in advanced disease . After 3 or 4 months of having them you would be very sick indeed as it means a very low platelet count. Far too sick to be posting on a forum or carry on normal life. I worked in a hematology department in a hospital years ago and have seen how very poorly people can be even before any spots appear. You need to move on from this obsession by getting help for your anxiety. X