View Full Version : Worried about cystic fibrosis

20-02-15, 14:52
Dear all,

I haven't used this site for years, because I have been in good health. I hope someone may be able to offer words of wisdom to me.

Since September last year I have been having breathing difficulties
-tightness in chest/burning sensation
-cough which is tied to a the production of a (usually) clear sticky mucus
-breathless when climbing stairs

These symptoms have been accompanied by low levels of vitamin D and phosphate in my blood.

I have been referred to two specialists (endocrinology and respiratory) but there is quite a long wait.

I haven't had problems with my lungs before (although I was significantly premature which caused breathing problems at birth) and I have never had to use an inhaler.

My GP has been proactive in giving me a spirometry, peak flow and inhalers. The former were normal while the latter doesn't appear to help.

I have also tried medication for GERD but that has no impact.

For some (probably irrational) reason, I have convinced myself I have got undiagnosed cystic fibrosis. I know that this condition usually presents itself in childhood but the number of late diagnoses are becoming greater.

Why I am posting? Well, in case anyone has similar symptoms and can shed any light on the possible cause . I am also hoping for some reassurance. I have always found this community to be really supportive.

Many thanks

20-02-15, 16:03
Could it be a kind of exercise-induced asthma? I have asthma and get that cough when I exercise as well as some chest tightness; maybe this is why your tests thus far have been fine. It might be worse if you're conscious of it/anxious about it, because anxiety can exacerbate asthma, it does for me.

I imagine if you had a more serious condition like cystic fibrosis your spirometry results wouldn't be normal?

If, as it turns out, you have asthma, the inhalers you've been using might just be the wrong kind, which is why they're not working.

Like I said, I experience all of those things when I exercise and depending on the time of year I might only have asthma brought on by exercise, not at rest. Hopefully that helps alleviate some of your worries until you've seen the specialists.

Best of luck :)

20-02-15, 17:12
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.

I don't think the problems are associated with exercise but I accept your point about asthma.

The thing that is puzzling me is that why has the asthma (if that is what it is) started now after previously suffering no problems?

This is really getting me down and Google isn't helping (hence the CF worry).

21-02-15, 00:03
I know you can develop asthma at any age as my mum in laws started when she was about seventy. She had never needed inhalers before but had a cough type thing previous to it starting . X

21-02-15, 04:30
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.

I don't think the problems are associated with exercise but I accept your point about asthma.

The thing that is puzzling me is that why has the asthma (if that is what it is) started now after previously suffering no problems?

This is really getting me down and Google isn't helping (hence the CF worry).

Some people get over their asthma when they get older; for others, it gets worse. Some people don't develop it until later in life.

Do your best not to google it- like I said, I'm pretty sure that if you had a chronic lung disease as serious as CF it would have a considerable impact on your peak flow readings and spirometry results.