View Full Version : Overcoming one fear with another

20-02-15, 15:18
I've overcome my cancer fears. I should be happy about this but I'm not because I have ALS fears now and it is worse than cancer fears. When my HA started I never thought I would be scared of a neurological disease. It was all about cancer for me, as it started with an abnormal smear result and finding out my mum had cancer.

I had my own ways to control the situation, as I think this is my biggest issue, not being able to control what's going on in my body. So I quit smoking, reduced my alcohol intake, started taking supplements, superfood powders, reduced my salt and sugar intake so in a way I was controlling the situation.

Now I have no control over my ALS fears whatsoever. It can happen to anyone, anytime. Nobody is safe. There is nothing you can do, no supplements to take, no food to eat to prevent this. There is no hope as it's fatal, no treatment.

When I was scared of cancer I had panic attacks, extreme anxiety. Now I have depression. I'm not happy, I want to sleep all the time, I've lost interest in food. I don't go out with friends anymore, I don't plan my future, nothing excites me anymore. I don't even want to have an EMG because I know I won't feel better afterwards because it doesn't mean you won't get it shortly after tests. It can start anytime.

I don't mean to scare anybody. It's just since my HA started I was never this hopeless and depressed. I just feel sad. I am so sad.

21-02-15, 14:54
Hi popejoan! I don't have any reassurance in ALS as I've never been down that health anxiety road. But I do understand your fears and the grip that health anxiety can take on you emotionally. From the outside I see that your anxiety leeched onto ALS and anxiety has such a powerful grip that it's hard to convince yourself otherwise. I truly think that your fears are all anxiety related. You jumped from a cancer fear to ALS without any hard evidence. I understand though. i do it. I have done it. Im doing it now. Even in reading your post I had to mentally stay away from what you wrote because I can easily go down that road. have you considered seeing your GP about anxiety? That may help you. again I wish i had more reassuring words. But I truly do think your fears are more anxiety related that the actual illness. Hugs to you b

21-02-15, 15:49
*massive hugs* I am so sorry you feel so terrible Popejoan :( it makes me sad knowing you feel the way you do, as I totally understand how awful it is living your life in fear of something, especially when you feel there is no control over it.

I don't know much about ALS but I can relate to the cancer fear cause that is what I am going through now.

Are you having any treatment for your anxiety/depression at the moment?


22-02-15, 00:18
Thank you Vida and Snowflake, it means a lot. I've started taking sertraline and propranolol 2 weeks ago but haven't felt any better yet. I am also going to start Cbt next month. Don't go down that road, I'm sorry I had to write this I wanted to share.

22-02-15, 06:58
I'm really impressed that you have gone through the cancer fears, which is what I am going through for the past year now (since March 2014.) I'm also impressed with the life changes that you've made. I'm really afraid of the cancer fears right now, and it's so hard to overcome, but I do not want to use any medicine or doctor to help me because I believe that I can fight it on my own. Do you have any tips about overcoming the cancer fears?
I believe that you can make it through your depression, I've gone through that stage at the age of 18 (I'm 19 now) and it was horrible, exactly what you had mentioned. I had gone out of it because a friend of mine kept dragging me out of my bed. Maybe someone in your life can drag you out of your bed.

22-02-15, 18:01
Hello plscomeandhelp thanks for your message. Well, I do have some tips although mainly I overcame it because I started being scared of ALS. If you smoke and drink you need to stop as soon as you can. Also, there are good supplements you can take, Magnesium, vitamin b complex and lemon balm capsules will help ease your anxiety. I also recommend nice long baths in epsom salts. You can also drink chamomile tea and I recently found out exercising helps a lot. I started going to gym 3-4 times a week and I realized it really helps distracting myself.
This is not my first depression unfortunately, each time I feel like there is no hope and nobody can help so I'm just hoping the anti-anxiety meds I started taking work.