View Full Version : In total state of anxiety - pls help

20-02-15, 18:14
Hi all

I've not posted here for a long long time so I hope that it's ok to post now? :unsure:

For the past few weeks I have felt my anxiety returning and have tried to push the feelings back but haven't succeeded.

For various reasons I am stressed/down at the moment and it's been gradually building each day and today I feel totally jangled (if that makes sense).

I keep getting weird shooting pains in my neck/head and a cold tingling sensation in my head. My left side of my body (arm/leg) feels weak and tingly. My ear feels blocked and my neck stiff. I feel like there's pressure on my face/head. And basically feel a nervous wreck. I also keep feeling dizzy and nauseous. Oh and the muscle above my eye keeps twitching.

Are these all symptoms of anxiety? I know that I've had these symptoms before but it seems worse this time and I'm worried about brain tumour or stroke (I'm 39 btw). :scared15:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks so so much!!

20-02-15, 18:54
Hello, these symptoms sound like anxiety to me. I have everything you're experiencing, my neck is stiff for months and I also have a horrible ball of phlegm back in my throat for months. I'm sure these sound similar to most of the people on here.

20-02-15, 23:50
These are all symptoms of anxiety. I had them all plus some when I was worried about brain tumor.

Try rubbing the bast of your skull on both sides. Thats what I did, and I found that a small muscle right near the meaty part back there was as hard as a rock on the side that I was experiencing the pain...

Turns out it was muscle tension. Classic anxiety symptom.

You will make it out of this! It takes time, a lot of mental pain, and perhaps some meds or therapy... but there is a light. I am seeing it and I hope you are right behind me :)

21-02-15, 00:33
I've got exactly the same at the moment and it's definitely anxiety for me. Muscle tension sets my neck off which leads to the sinus blocking. Tension then causes stomach issues ....and so it goes on! I've got a really annoying twitch under my left eye this time but have had it at the side and top before. I'm not going to panic this time and have accepted its good old anxiety again lol and its beginning to calm down. X