View Full Version : Scary films affecting panic attacks

15-01-07, 20:46

Sorry if this thread has been repeated [:I]

Just before I went to bed last night I went to see my Dad, he flicked the TV over to this film Final Destination 2 (It was on C4 yesterday at 10pm).

This bloke was going to die, basically, as his ring fell down a food dispensor and he tried to grab it with his watch on (it was likely that his hand was going to get stuck) and in the microwave near by it was exploding ... you get the gist with what is about to happen ... he is going to frazzle!! So anyway I had leave the room straight away, I felt like I would have had a panic attack if I had stayed. It was really strange, scary films NEVER affect me like that! But I've been feeling a bit panicky recently so it is reasonable.

Has this happened to you guys?

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

15-01-07, 21:09
Hi Jadey,

I have to be careful about my TV viewing as it can trigger me when I am feeling anxious or upset. Other times these things do not affect me, so my answer is to check my mood before selecting my viewing. Hope this helps


Remember tomorrow is a bright new day

15-01-07, 21:30
Lynnann - Yeah I think I'll have to start avoiding those types of films and programmes, which is ok because scary films aren't my cup of tea, much prefer comedy, lol.

Nigel - Geebus, I'm glad! Lol. That is true though (the feelings one gets) I remember being really scared of a film before I started getting attacks but now it goes that one step forward.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

15-01-07, 22:05
Me too! Believe it or not and this is sad, when my anxiety was bad the LivingTv show Most Haunted used to give me the wellies!!! Theres a few films I couldnt watch and still now I can get scared.

Dont forget though, some films are supposed to make you anxious andscared, but when you have anxiety/panics your body confusses what its feeling for the real thing!!!

15-01-07, 23:25
I posted about this too a little while ago.
The news, hospital dramas, real life doctors/hospital shows, horrors, any real life programs about murderers, anything horrible basically will cause pretty much instant anxiety and panic!
I just stick to comedies, makeover shows and romance!!!

Sarah x

16-01-07, 06:43
Kimmy - That is a good point, but I suppose it is hard to tell your body that it is only a film and it isn't happening in real life (Well I hope people don't die in real life like they do in Final Destination, lol).

Sarah - Yeah I much prefer comedies, they take your mind off your panic/anxiety. Ages ago when I watched Casulty it would really scare me but now I've fully convinced my body that 'it is only a story' (my mum would say that to me and my little brother alllllll the time).

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

16-01-07, 21:50
at first i struggled watching horrors. Ive never really liked them to be honest anyways. If im feeling brave ill have ago. Im much much better now, so it does get easier!!

16-01-07, 23:03
I really went off horror films years ago - If I watch TV I tend to go more for the stuff that makes you laugh or feel good - Favourite films at present:

When Harry met Sally
Borat the Movie
The Dish
Big Fish
Moulin Rouge
Life on Mars (OK, it's a series...)
Phoenix nights (Again a series)

Crash is one of the very best films I've ever seen - the only film since Love Story which I watched as a kid that made me cry, but not out of sadness but the beauty and delicacy of the plot.

I watched Casino Royal and the crane scene freaked me out a bit! Good film though

My first Haiku - "To convey ones mood in seventeen syllables is very diffic"

17-01-07, 09:00
Kimmy - It's good to watch a horror now and then, especially when you're feeling brave. I can only watch horrors with people around me so I feel more braver.

rjy8960 - I go for programmes that make me laugh too, especially comedies like Scrubs, Lee Evans, The Simpsons and SpongeBon SquarePants (yes, I am 17! lol). The only horror I watch is The Mummy, only because I love Egypt, lol.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

17-01-07, 14:19
I get it too - especially if I'm watching hospital or surgery programmes - makes me feel dizzy like I'm going to panic and then I have to turn it off or leave the room - but when I was watching this programme about agoraphobics, I could see them having panics which then made me panic too so it definitely does affect you!!

17-01-07, 22:32
Hi Jadey - I get something similar, but not quite the same.

I can watch horrors no problem. I sometimes shut my eyes at the squeamish bits as films these days tend to get more graphic every year.

The thing I get is normally in action movies. Say the hero leaps off a mountain and the camera pans out. I get a lurch in my stomache and the feeling of panic coming on. I think its just a heights thing with me. At home I can look away for a few secs at the cinema the feeling was a lot worse.


18-01-07, 08:24
Sure...It used to happen to me all the time.Even with dramma's or shows or anything that involves a drop of an adrenaline rush.

I remeber "Genoius mind" freaking me out,cause of that feeling..."Am i heading to that stage as well?"..:D

18-01-07, 17:03
Hi Jadey,

Was just reading through this thread and can totally relate to it!

One of the first ever panic attacks I had (well the one I had before I started developing my panic disorder) was when I went to the cinema with my boyfriend to watch SAW 2. Can I just say to everyone, PLEASE DO NOT ever watch this film if you have anxiety, it is possibly THE WORST film I have ever seen, in fact there is no doubt about it. LOL

I had to leave during the film as I had a full blown panic attack, however, I didn't know that was what it was back then so demanded that I was taken to the emergency doctors.

Like you Jadey, horror films didn't used to affect me at all, in fact I used to love horror films. But now I can't watch them as it brings on a panic attack. I watched Frankenstein the other night (well part of it) as I was feeling brave however, felt the panic coming so had to switch over lol.

After going to see Saw 2 at the cinema and having that panic attack I actually couldn't go back into a cinema, but I can now, it just took a lot of time.

As for SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!! OMG he is a legend!! I love him!! I am 19 so can relate to you really liking Spongebob.

My advice would be to stick to comedies and romance - Have you ever seen Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze?? If not then you must go out and buy it this second!! You need to see him!! [:I] Oh...........sorry I mean you need to see the film!! :D

Take care xxx

P.S. I didn't get to see the end of SAW 2, anyone know what happens?? LOL just kidding. I REALLY DON'T WANT TO KNOW!! :D

18-01-07, 18:23
Thank god its not just me!
Some films set me off, but the strangest one was watching a rugby match.
The Irish national anthem came on and it terrified me.
That was the first time I thought I was crazy.
Now its anything that sets me off - traffic lights got me the other day.


I am crazy lol

18-01-07, 19:06
Hi all.

Louise - you've obviously not seen SAW3 then [xx(]

Steve - Traffic lights set me off too, well the red ones do anyway. I think its the waiting and feeling trapped. I've certainly been known to take a quick left on red when the coasts clear even if I was planning on going another way.


21-01-07, 05:18
Wow....my friends and I almost saw Saw 3(it just came out here) but decided we'd rather not wait and just see another one.
phew! Note to self:NEVER see those movies!
I've never been a big fan of scary movies...but started watching them here...and only recently have they started hurting me.
I saw Final Destination 3 the other day(I had seen the other two in the past), but it was so horrible for me. It was stupid of me to watch it, I know...but I just....couldn't...stop. Like, some kind of morbid fascination. Never doing that again though....I've been anxious ever since, and this was about 2 days ago!

24-01-07, 18:08
Krakers LOL, so glad that I've not seen Saw 3!! And don't intend to watch it anytime soon!! :D

Saw 2 was bad enough!!

Didn't think it was possible for a film to get any worse than Saw 2 - then they go and make Saw 3!! What were they thinking LOL.

Anyway, just needed to get that off my chest

Take care xxx

24-01-07, 18:15
LOL! Can't believe people with anxiety/helath anxiety would ever watch horror films!! I know we are told not to avoid trigger situations, but when these films are designed to scare the living crap out of non anxious people, one can only imagine at the horror for an anxiousite!! I saw Saw and Wolf Creek stupidly by mistake - my fiancee was watching them and I got sucked in - OMG!!!! Never again. I still refuse to watch the Blair Witch project as I really enjoy walking in the wood son my own, and I know the film would scare the living daylights out of doing that!! I think there are definitely times when it is wiser just to say no!

24-01-07, 18:25
I went to the cinema to see The Exorcist in 1974-ish when I was 15. I had read the book and thought I could handle it and snuck in pretending to be 18. It was the biggest shock of my life! I have NEVER been so scared and for the next 3 months my parents had to cope with a terrified teenager who wouldn't sleep on her own! Oh Joy! It was awful. I still couldn't watch it now at 48 yrs old. I reckon some people can handle being scared and some can't and if you can't then avoid, avoid avoid! There is no shame involved. I'm just sensitive to fear.....but I'm working on it!


25-01-07, 19:06
ive been fine watching horror films up until we watched Jeepers Creepers 2 the other week, i watched the first one over a year ago and had no probs at all, i love ( or should i say loved! ) really tense physchological thrillers too like Panic Room but now now since i had uncontrollable palpitations last year i cant handle anything like this at all.
i totally freaked at Jeepers and my 18 year old daughter was scoffing and calling me a baby!
thankfully my husband understands how i feel and switched it over.
i did feel a wuss though.[:I]
you are not alone!!:D

25-01-07, 21:54
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> I still refuse to watch the Blair Witch project as I really enjoy walking in the wood son my own, and I know the film would scare the living daylights out of doing that!! I think there are definitely times when it is wiser just to say no!
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Seeker - I can't watch Blair Witch either but for different reasons. Every time the cameras a bit wobbly I get really nausious. After about 20 mins watching it I had to stare at the ceiling instead and listen to it while my other half watched. Needless to say I didn't find the soundtrack scary at all :)

Its nothing new for me though, I can remember quite clearly Anika Rices bum in Treasure Hunt having the same effect 20 years ago.


26-01-07, 11:06
LOL! Oh Krakers, you have made me laugh this morning! Poor old Anneka, eh? So many programmes these days have that 'jaunty' camera angling - you must find it unbearable. I'm just going to keep thinking of anneka's bright blue lycra clad bum now. Probably at most inopportune moments...

26-01-07, 12:03
isnt it strange the different things people are scared of? personally, i can watch horrors and thrillers no problem, i guess because they don't seem 'real', but i cannot bear to watch any films with scenes of torture or really nasty violence. It really upsets me big time.

and as for anneka rice's lycra clad bum, that's nothing on borat's leotard - i'm still feeling traumatised [^].


26-01-07, 13:19
I can't do the whole wobbly camera thing either - one of my piglets brought back a video the school had made of their trip away and I had to go upstairs half way through and be sick!! [V]

I also remember going to watch 'Carrie' at the pictures with my best mate and us having to be escorted home by a policeman cos we were so frightened. It was especially embarassing as we had been chucked out of the cinema the week before for watching a dirty porno movie underage (just trying to learn about the world like you do at 14) by that self same policeman!!! [:I][:I]:D

My more recent new thing though is not really liking films that are too sad, cos I don't like crying incase it gets uncontrollable!

I watched 'Finding Neverland' on my birthday a couple of years ago and got quite taken by surprise by the moving storyline and wept so hard that tea-towels had to be brought to me to cope with my tears. The piglets cried really hard too but their's didn't look to be one stage away from hysteria like mine did.

Infact just to prove to myself that I could cry like that without going into a major panic attack I made us watch the ending 3 times in a row - we had to stop eventually cos the neighbours asked us to!! Best birthday ever!! NOT!! [:I][}:)]:D

Piglet :)