View Full Version : Could I have potentially given myself Herpes?

21-02-15, 18:23
Hello..Sometimes I get a cold sore on my mouth. At least, I believe its a cold sore. It usually seems like a pimple but grows out to be something more.

Today, I touched my mouth (no apparent sitings of a cold sore, but my lips are very chapped) and then proceeded to use the bathroom and I touched my genitalia. my hand made contact with my private for a decent amount of time.

could I have given myself herpes?

22-02-15, 07:02
HSV-1 is the herpes for your mouth and HSV-2 is the herpes for your genitalia. I do not believe that it is impossible to spread if from your mouth to your genitalia. The best thing to do is to go to your GP first, to check if your "pimple" really is a cold sore. If you don't, the worst thing that can happen is that you get sucked into the black hole of health anxiety.