View Full Version : Hello new sensation :-(

21-02-15, 19:32
Today I have insanely tingling feet and legs. It's stopping in one part, starting in another. But what is scaring me is that its been in one place all day but intermittently. It's making me want to itch my feet like mad, it's like bugs crawling on me.

I'm so terrified of having MS. I have an MRI again soon but these symtoms are scaring me. I went about 4 days symptom free & bam here they are again. It's scaring me big time :-( Anyone had this?

21-02-15, 20:12
Excellent news! Symptom shifting is a sure sign you're on the road to recovery. Keep up the good work!

Toronto girl
21-02-15, 20:41
So daisy, your symptoms subsided for awhile. Lucky you. Do you know why it calmed down? I am sure it will go away again. I remember you saw a neurologist so you know it isn't anything serious... What was your calming secret? Lol

22-02-15, 14:06
Do you think so Serenity?

I'm not sure TorontoGirl, all I can think is that I relaxed for a week and might be because of that. This morning I had a burning hot sensation on my foot, it's so odd! How are you?

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 14:57
I could be better. I have good periods when I think ahhh, there is hope , but then it is back to the same old stuff. I went snowshoeing yesterday and felt almost normal. Then I went out for dinner with wine and felt good. Today, leg prickles. So, so frustrating. I know I focus on it too much - like all the time.

Hope you feel better. I forget, did yours begin after an illness or stress?

22-02-15, 18:03
I don't think your symptoms would come and go if it was MS. After your MRI you need to stop worrying about MS and start working on your HA. Best of luck x

22-02-15, 19:00
I didn't think so either Joan, although some sensations seem to last a while and others don't. It's odd. I Have an MRI coming up. How are you doing?

Oh Torontogirl. That's horrible, I get like that. I feel better sometimes and then I'll wake up with a new sensation & then I'm back to full blown anxiety again, it's exhausting. Yes, I got really poorly after an op and got sepsis and was on IV antiobiotics and then a course for 5 weeks. It was stressful, the symptoms started about 6 weeks after that. So I don't know whether it was being ill, stress or a coincidence...what about you? How did yours start? X

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 20:49
Daisy, Mine started during a really bad flu, then went away twice for a couple of years at a time. The last bout was during a long lasting stressful period in my life. Anytime I bring up the flu association with doctors they kind of brush it off.. I want to be well, as I am sure you do. It really sucks the joy out of life...

22-02-15, 21:31
I know what you mean, it's exhausting isn't it? Have you had an MRI etc? Are your symptoms similar to mine?

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 21:49
I have had an MRI on my entire spine and brain, nerve tests, blood work (extensive), four neurologist visits and on and on. Oh, I have been tested alright and nothing is ever discovered.

I have a prickly feeling on the skin of both legs and I get an adrenaline surging feeling in my chest that results in abnormal goosebumps on my legs. I have had it 3 times and when it goes away it totally goes away. I have feared autoimmune diseases but have been told I don't have that... Just very frustrated.

23-02-15, 00:49
I didn't think so either Joan, although some sensations seem to last a while and others don't. It's odd. I Have an MRI coming up. How are you doing?

I know, I have some buzzing under my foot but it comes and goes. I'm sure you'll get the all clear. I will see a neurologist this Wednesday. I'm not doing great but slightly better than 2 weeks ago. How long do you have to wait for the MRI?

23-02-15, 10:37
Anxiety can cause tingling sensations. I always get it! :)

23-02-15, 20:30
My mri should be very soon. Might call the hospital this week. The buzzing under my foot is awful and tonight I have the burnt tongue feeling. My Ms fear is in overdrive!! :-(

Toronto girl
24-02-15, 13:11
MS really doesn't move around like that. I am sure your MRI will come back just fine. Try to relax. You will be fine.

24-02-15, 13:28
Thanks Toronto girl, so I heard that too and ive read it on here but what makes me worry is that although some of the symptoms move, some stay put. I have really worried myself :-(

24-02-15, 13:53
It sounds very similar to what I've been going through since the new year, which we've already had a bit of a chat about on another thread. I was terrified of MS after Googling, and convinced my self for a while I definitely had it, but realise now that it's something that seems much more prominent at the top of web searches than in the mind of neurologists, and if I was that good at diagnosing neurological conditions I'd be earning considerably more money ;)

---------- Post added at 13:53 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------

Oh, and the times I've felt better - when I'm distracted and I stop thinking about it. But then the thought "Hey, I don't feel tingly!" pops in your head, makes you think about it again, and it starts up again. It's a nuisance.

The best way to be is that it happens and you don't worry about it, so it runs its course without spiralling. But I'm in exactly the same boat that I won't fully do this until after the MRI, even though I'm not expecting anything to show up. I know this works because before Xmas I got into a right state with palpitations and chest pain, so much so that I got so worried about I had to go to A&E. But after all the tests coming clear for that I still get it occasionally, but just ignore it, and it all just disappears after a short period of time. I'm looking forward to doing this with the tingles too.

24-02-15, 19:16
Hi! Logging on here for the first time specifically to address this post - although I hope to be active on the forums regularly. I have generalized anxiety disorder, ptsd and health anxiety. As a result most of the muscles in my body are tense and I have been going to physical therapy to deal with pinched nerves and horrible trigger points. Ok, so to the point. :-)

About a month ago I started getting the buzzy feeling in one of my feet. It would come and go (sometimes feel like a cell phone ringing). Anyway, I mentioned it to my physical therapist who suspected it was the sciatic nerve being pinched or compressed somewhere and gave me a nerve gliding exercise to do. Worked like a charm. Basically you sit in a chair, hold the leg that's bothering you straight out and then bring your toes back towards you and hold for two seconds - you should feel a stretch. Relax the foot forward and then do it again. They have me doing that 20 times two or three times a day. The buzzing feeling that I was getting nearly every day has now subsided to every once in a while.

Physical therapy has actually helped to calm some of my health anxiety fears. When the symptoms I have start going away because of the therapy, I am less worried that it's MS or something equally horrible. Bodies are strange things. :)


25-02-15, 13:12
Thanks for the replies everyone..

I guess i just can't get my head around these symptoms not being something really serious. Today i have burning tongue again and an on and off numb ear, i know that MS apparently can't do that but what if it can? I've chased up my MRI this morning anyway, fingers crossed it isn't too long before i get an appointment for it.

My foot is also buzzing! I am so sick of it!

I have read and researched a lot about candida though so i am starting to wonder if it something i have. I keep getting fungal nail infections on my toes and my toe nails keep falling off, now i've noticed i've got it on my fingernails too, apparently that can cause buzzing and burning symptoms! Just can't wait to get the MRI out the way