View Full Version : pimple like dot on breast, IBC cancer worries :(

22-02-15, 01:54
I've noticed a small pimple like rash near the areola on my left breast. Very afraid is cancer, IBC.

My Mum had BC about 9 years ago so I'm at a higher risk already. I had an ultrasound approx year and half ago and that was ok but I know IBC develops quickly. Also my left breast/arm has been sore (which is why I had ultrasound in first place).

So afraid. I will go see GP about it but in meantime I'm planning my own funeral. :(

22-02-15, 06:38
as a male, 19, I know how you feel, especially when you have anxiety. I had a pimple on my breast near my areola and EVEN THOUGH i knew that ALLLLLL the odds were against me, (being male, 19 years old) that anxiety made me think i had BC. for me, it turned out to be a pimple....and disappeared a few days later, leaving me with a large mental scar. now im practically scared of almost everything, every little tick or tack here and there.

22-02-15, 08:34
I totally understand how you feel. About a year or so ago I developed a red almost sunburn type rash on my right breast and a pimple type thing under. I totally freaked it could be IBC according to Dr Google. Flared up all my old anxiety after being well for 10 years. It was also the start of my HA. Turned out mine was a fungal infection and the odds are yours will be something similar. IBC is a very rare form of breast cancer and if related to the soreness from before would have advanced to many other symptoms by now. The soreness is likely to be hormonal or muscular. :hugs: xx

22-02-15, 18:39
I'm having something similar at the moment after being 'well' for quite some time. I found a red mark on the inside of my left breast yesterday - not a big deal, I'd probably scratched myself I thought - but I've been scratching at it and it's now become scaly and scabby. I'm now, obviously, having the cancer worry again. I get spots and things on my breasts all the time. Have you tried taking an antihistamine?

22-02-15, 19:04
I have acne on my chest and back so I always have bumps and pimples popping up on them ... never anything serious though.

23-02-15, 00:06
Went to GP just now. She says it *looks* superficial and has given me some cream. I'm going back on Thursday, if hasn't cleared up I will be going to breast clinic. So afraid.

23-02-15, 10:39
I know it's hard to focus on the positive, but I'm sure you'll be fine. If your GP was really concerned then she would've said so. I have this doubt a lot after seeing the doctor, but I always get over it. It's probably a heat rash due to friction or a fungal infection. Nothing serious. At all. :hugs:

23-02-15, 12:01
I hope is not serious. Because Mum had breast cancer it's always gonna be on my mind as a possibility. I guess because of Mum doc is showing more concern than might usually. :(

24-02-15, 03:35
I just read a story about some finding IBC as what looked like a bite ��