View Full Version : Pancreas or liver issues. Over the moon with anxiety.

22-02-15, 03:57
I am 43 and a long time sufferer of HA. I have IBS and GERD and take meds for the GERD and fibre for the IBS. For the last couple of weeks I have been having terrible constipation and bloating. My stomach pains are all over and not constant. I have not lost any appreciable weight but I not really hungry. I just force myself to eat. I noticed during this time my stool has been really light, I don't think white or clay like but really light brown. In december I had a physical and my blood test came back and said I had slight elevated bilirubin in my liver. The doctor said that though it was out of range it was not anything to be really worried about. With the light stool color I have convinced myself that I have pancreatic or liver cancer and I am totally freaking out. I am not seeing any yellowing of the eyes or skin but I am really pale so I am not sure. I know none of you are doctors but if you could help talk me down as I am unable to sleep or really function at the moment, that would be very helpful. I will make an appt with my Doctor on Monday but I am freaking out and already contemplating leaving my 4 kids without a dad and all the horrible pain that these diseases cause. I have had HA for years and you would think I should be able to cope better but I am falling apart and I am pretty sure my wife has had enough of me. Anyway, sorry for rambling on so and thanks in advance for anyone that can pass on a kind word.


22-02-15, 06:15
I have been having terrible diarrhea for almost 2 months. For about 2 weeks my poo was yellow and once it was even white. I freaked out. Sure enough it is back to brown... and orange, and tan.. and red... and black.

If you have IBS than you should expect colorful stool. I read somewhere that if you have ibs, the only things to watch for are black, red, and white... recurring over a few weeks.

Try to relax.

22-02-15, 07:23
My stools have been pretty light. I am not in a place to make a good judgment between light and white. I am so worked up that my judgement is gone when it comes to anything with my health. I do appreciate the response. I am just so terrified right now that I can't trust my own judgement. I do hope that this passes soon because I don't know how much more I can take.

22-02-15, 13:48
Currently going through the exact same thing, however mine has been going on since June last year, my go prescribed me lansoprazole for a stomach issue I was having, however I wasn't suffering with any reflux.
I took them for around a week then had a weekend away where I had quite a bit to drink, came home and wham.....suffered horrendous watery diorreah for about 3 weeks, ever since then I've had a multitude of symptoms,

Loose stools..quite frequent interrupted by instances of normal formed stools, sometimes a mixture of both in same day...

Dull ache just under left rib and centre just where ribs meet
I've been to my go who has done full bloods...stool sample...sent me for an ultrasound...and referred me to a gastro consultant last October who told me in his opinion I had nothing wrong, he even said that the risk of an endoscope and ct scan outweighed the sieness he had that nothing was wrong.

My new symptom is what looks like a translucent film or sheen to the toilet water after a movement...you have to really look in a certain light to see it, however I've convinced myself with the help of Google that it's fat and thus led me to pancreatic cancer again.....I've now seen my gp who has been great he is giving me a blood test for coeliac...and referred me back to the gastro consultant however he didn't seem overly worried about my pancreas.....at my worst I lost about 10lb in a month....I'm a big guy so I've a bit to lose...however during holidays and Christmas after the consultant gave me the all clear I put this weight back on.....and a couple of lb more, I'm currently the same weight I was last June after all this, my wife keeps telling me if something that sinister was wrong then surely I'd have lost some unintentional weight by now....I know she's right however my HA won't let me think logically.....it's pancreatic cancer and that's that....

I'll keep you posted of my appointments and hope we can both get back to living normal worry free lives