View Full Version : Health Anxiety or Neurological Problems?

22-02-15, 12:30
I've been a lurker on here for quite some time, maybe four days or so. But I've finally cracked and am looking for some support from those in a similar position. So basically the last 5 weeks have been hellish, been to my local GP's more times than I can count and am still confused. I had a kidney infection waaaay back all those weeks ago, and did the whole antibiotics thing which I expected to go just like it always had done in the past: totally without complication. Ahh the wrongness, I had an allergic reaction which left me with a suspicious rash and a stabbing sensation in all my muscles. The stabbings did eventually drift off after stopping the antibiotics, but of course I still had a kidney infection so I went back to the doctors for more. Couldn't take these ones either, then the next ones weren't alleviating symptoms, then the next ones brought on a sensation like my nervous system had lost it's bloody mind, and for all I knew so had I.

Obviously I had been to the doctors on and off throughout this time, but they had brushed off my symptoms as side effects, you know, stuff to be tolerated if you wanted to get better. Blood tests and ultrasounds were done to make sure it was in fact a kidney infection we were fighting, all clear. I felt as if I was unable to illustrate how terrified I had become at how I was feeling and felt completely alone. I ended up ringing an out of hours service on the NHS and saw a primary care doctor there. I had convinced myself that I had developed serotonin syndrome from the last round of antibiotics, I knew there had been a correlation between the condition and the drugs and reading about it helped me to describe my symptoms more clearly to him. He looked up at me after doing some simple tests and said "you don't have serotonin syndrome, you do however have hyperventilation syndrome". I asked him if it had caused the problems and he said "yes, it could have caused aaall your problems". He then went on to say he couldn't find any evidence of a kidney infection either. I was in complete disbelief.

The doctor was an abrupt kinda guy and did little in the way of explaining what all these sensations meant but being fairly flummoxed and generally spaced out I didn't think to retaliate. I was sure he had misunderstood, or I hadn't explained properly, or maybe we hadn't done the correct tests. Because, there was no doubt I was in pain, and nothing I've known of anxiety has included physical symptoms outside the usual shortness of breath, chest pain etc etc. Even then, I thought, I don't even feel anxious right now? What is this man talking about? I'm going to die if we don't find the cause!

I tried sticking with the thought it was anxiety, although my mind kept trying to work out the past weeks, trying to find plausible explanations and linking symptoms together. I think it's far to say I have been pretty consumed with this and had no doubt the anxiety had been exacerbating things, but not the bloody cause...

Two days after that, I caught what I assume to be a viral infection. Nausea, muscle pain, headache all hit me like a bus. Being the, now, hypervigilant health warrior, I galloped back to the GP. Nothing to see really, urine was fine, glands were swollen, took some more blood and told me they'd get back to me in the morning. Found nothing expect small traces of a viral infection. Despite the 'small' diagnosis I had started to feel sharp pains all over my body, in particular my right hand which at times felt like it was joint related, other times muscular. But this happened everywhere. The pain in my lower back was still there too, which had me convinced the kidney infection had returned down to never finishing a course of antibiotics. I scoured the Internet, looking for flu symptoms and taking solace that maybe the flu could have caused all of this. But it didn't seem to match, why would the pain be localised? Specifically in my damn hand and lower back? The pain too, was at times a stabbing pains, not just muscle aches. God damn it, I'm going to have to go to an out of hours doctor again.

Now it's strange. I found that whilst waiting to be seen in the hospital, my symptoms would lift slightly. And as the doctors checked me over, he was flippant and to a degree I can understand. They're looking for the life threatening stuff and to him, there was nothing to be concerned about. But then, why did I feel this way! I would find blood in my urine and go to get it checked only to find nothing! Blood was fine too. My relationship with my mother was on thin ice, she scolded me for wasting everyone's time and I was distraught that she couldn't believe there was something going on that wasn't yet explained.

I then stumbled upon a more insidious explanation. I had been experiencing some bizarre neurological sensations that were akin to the serotonin syndrome I thought had been caused by the last lot of antibiotic. I would go to bed and wake up in the middle of the night with vertigo, and an unexplainable sensation like I was going to convulse. My muscles would be twitching quite noticeably and I would be jerked awake by it. My brian felt fuzzy and I felt like I would go away for a second or so and I'd be shocked back into reality by this strange mental sensation. This would happen without feeling anxious. Couple this with the muscular and joint pain and I was seriously concerned. Rang 111 again, the guy suggests SLE. Lupus. Like, other the phone dammit. I suggest this to my GP who said my blood being normal kinda went against that diagnosis (although you have to be looking specifically for it). I did some reading, and the first antibiotic that gave me the allergic reaction and rash, had links to drug induced lupus. I thought I had come across the explanation. It even explained the rash, the neurological issues, the pain, everything.

I have since been told the rash on my back looks more like an allergic reaction than lupus and that for them to be concerned I'd have to be losing consciousness and having serious muscle weakness. I've been referred by my GP to a hospital doctor who deals more with 'medically unexplained symptoms' although I have no idea how long that'll take. As it stands, I'm a total mess.
I still have physical symptoms which ebb and flow and don't always stay for very long, but they are at times severe. They are as follows:

Sharp muscular pain
Hip pain
Some joint pain, particularly in hands
Electric shock feeling
Lower back pain
Spine pain
Neck pain
Tingling feet
Fuzzy head
Muscle twitches and trembles
Abdominal pain
Lack of appetite
Burning sensation on skin
Strange feeling in head - perception suddenly changes and I feel like I go blank for a second, there is a Nausea and a fuzziness that accompanies this. Has anyone experienced this? It feels like a small seizure.
Wet feeling on skin

I would say I was concerned about the neurological issues. But it's all completely overwhelming and I feel at a loss for what to do. The pains come and go, but there's always something there even if it doesn't last too long. I do find relief by deep breathing but my blocked sinuses prevent that from being a permanent go-to. I am really hoping this is anxiety, although I still cannot for one moment believe it could cause all of this.

I guess my question is, if you've read this far, you patient lovely person, is this the nature of the beast? Can it cause all of this? My life has become consumed by this and I'm feeling alone.
I've suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember but it never interfered with my life the way it's appeared to have done these past few weeks.

---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 ----------

P. S. I have yet to receive any kind of Neurological exam. Can doctors do anything akin to this, or must I see a Neurologist? I ask because the waiting list can at times be very long.

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 13:32
Have you read the 100 symptoms of anxiety? If not, it would be a good idea. Nearly everything if not all the symptoms you have mentioned are on there.

Having said that, you have been through a few physical conditions and probably now, you have to let your body get back to normal, both physically and mentally. I am sure doctors can determine whether you have a kidney infection or not. If they said it is gone,then I would have to think it is. Many doctors have said you are okay. People with HA have difficulty believing doctors but that keeps us on this vicious worrying cycle.

Try to give yourself some rest time and DO NOT Google.

Feel well!

22-02-15, 13:40
Hello there! I have had a very similar experience with the symptoms you have described. I've recently started feeling dizziness, vertigo, nausea, headaches etc. and then came down with a nasty bout of flu. I honestly thought I had meningitis. (And to be honest, still do sometimes) went to the doc and was told it was just a viral infection and given travel sickness tablets for when I felt dizzy. I have now come to the conclusion that, yes, anxiety is playing a massive part in this, and my head is feeling fuzzy and my heart is racing because this annoying voice in my head is telling me I've got something seriously wrong with me. I know it's not a great answer, but just know that you are not alone with this.
It's a struggle, but everyone here will help as much as possible. My anxiety was under control for a while, but I've just got a job that I love, and I know it's because I'm worried about having to have time off and I feel that I HAVE to be well all the time. It feels like you just can't win with anxiety sometimes, no matter what you do. And I know it really does seem unbelievable that anxiety can cause all this trouble! But you will get through it, and you will feel better. Take care.

22-02-15, 15:17
Thank you both for the reassurance. I just don't feel right, and hopefully when I go to this referral session we can officially determine the cause. If it's anxiety, great! It's not some horrible degenerative neurological problem and I'll rest easy. But like I've said, this head thing... I've never heard of anxiety giving you mini seizure sensations (and smelling things that aren't there?). I can't stress enough how hard it is to describe, and until I see a Neurologist of some kind I simply won't know why it's happening.

It is incredible what stress can do to the body. It's strange, because you never attribute genuine pain to anxiety, just the usual palpations and dizziness. I've read that the body hits a limit for anxiety/stress and physical symptoms start to manifest neurologically as a result. And that this often is the product of accumulated stress, often unknown to the sufferer. I suppose I never thought my anxiety was anything to worry about (ha).

Take care, both of you.

22-02-15, 15:19
Ok Beefany.
I will try and keep this as short as possible.
You are me, a year ago.
I am still alive.
I am not cured, but I am 80% better.
You have Anxiety Disorder.
You also have Health Anxiety.
Anxiety can produce physical symptoms that can mimic all sorts of other illnesses and diseases.
The illness is in the Mind!
The Brain feeds information to your body, then the Body sends information back to make you believe that you are dying.
You are NOT!
If you ignore the symptoms or let them pass, telling yourself there is nothing to worry about, it is just my Anxiety. The Symptoms will subside.
(Not easy to do I know, but it works!).
You will in time get so fed-up and exhausted with all of the symptoms, that eventually you will tire of them and brush them aside.
It is the FEAR that is doing this to you.
Take away the FEAR and the Brain can not feed off of anything.
So, what else can you do?
Get plenty of exercise.
Keep you MIND off the symptoms by taking up lots of hobbies and pastimes. So much, that it fills you whole day.
Take up some relaxation time, listening to music, yoga, dance, massage.........
Eat well and stay away from Coffee, Alcohol, dark meat, spices and processed foods.
Eat regular and drink plenty of water and Camomile Tea for relaxation and sleep.
Anxiety sufferers become dehydrated very quickly.
Get close to nature. Trees are very comforting for Anxiety sufferers, they give off lots of Oxygen and comfort. (Something you can do when the weather gets better. Go sit under a tree and read a book).
It will take time, but you will see improvement; promise! :hugs:
I said I would keep this short and this is a short version of how such a complexed illness it is. Most GP's do not understand, they are not even qualified to deal with this illness.
And if you still need support, find a Therapist, that does understand and they can help you get through all of this.
I DO understand and you are not going Mad or Dying and you will get better. :)

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 15:31
Carnation, good post. I too have experienced neurological symptoms for a long time and it is scary. I have been tested to no end and they never find anything wrong with me. What you have written is encouraging.

22-02-15, 15:41
Thank you Toronto Girl.
We would have been lost with out this Site.
We are so lucky to have found this.
It helped me get through the worst. :)

22-02-15, 15:48
Thanks Carnation. I totally get where you're coming from. Did you ever experience the seizure-y kind of feeling? Tends to worsen in the nighttime. I will absolutely accept this is caused completely by anxiety once I've been checked out by a neurologist. Up to this point, I haven't spoken to anyone about the most recent feelings. Feel concerned about the waiting period before seeing a specialist. But hey ho, nothing can be done.

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 15:57
Carnation, did you ever have hyper skin sensitivity? My legs drive me nuts and no one can find a problem. Blahhhhh!!

22-02-15, 16:07
Oh Yes, did I?
Listen, we walk around in Fear continually and every morning we wake to face another day. I lived in Fear 24/7. We don't breathe properly because we hunch are shoulders when we are frightened. We tense our jaw, we grit our teeth. We hold our bodies and want to be wrapped in cotton wool. All of this brings on more symptoms.
Yes, I agree, get checked out. Then, when they say nothing is wrong, believe them!
And, don't Google symptoms. It's too scary and not even accurate.
Come on here if you need advice or comfort.
But, try to take you Mind away from all of this by building up some things to do.
Your Mind needs a rest. You are exhausted from all the worry and Fear. :)

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:57 ----------

Toronto Girl,
Sorry we were posting at the same time.
Yes, I had super sensitive skin and crawly insect feeling on my legs and arms and unexplained rashes and vibrating body. (Felt like a mobile phone was inside of me). :D
This can all explained quite self explanatory.
The tenderness is the nerves and muscle repairing itself. Do not rub or massage the area, this makes it worse.
The Crawling skin and vibrating body/limbs is caused by adrenalin when in "Fight or Flight' mode. You can do one of two things here.
1. Do nothing and let it pass over you. (This is best).
2. Use up the adrenalin by walking or exercise.
Don't freak out, turn you Mind to something else and say out loud. "Go Away", "I know you are only Anxiety", "You are not wanted", "Go Away".
You have to re-train the Brain and let it know that nothing is wrong and you are well.
It is just protecting you, not harming you. Adrenalin can not kill you, it is there for protection. You will have a feeling as if you had just run 5 miles, but not used the energy up. This is why Anxiety sufferers feel so tired.
When you know the whys and the reasons, it does start to make sense and that's what we need, is explanations for the way that we feel. :)

22-02-15, 16:08
Thank you, you seem to know your stuff. I'm glad you've learned how to cope with your demon, and I hope he continues to remain manageable for a long time.
Best wishes

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 16:24
Carnation, thanks so so much.

I am worried that because it is only on my legs and that I get an adrenaline surging feeling through my chest that my symptoms must be serious. I have been to 4 neurologists and had tons of bloodwork, nerve tests etc.. And nothing is ever found. Do you think this could be anxiety? I have had it a very long time and this is the 3rd bout in 10 years. I am so warn out from it.:weep:

22-02-15, 16:56
You are both very welcome and if I can help you, I will. :)

Toronto Girl, I had mine mainly in my legs; from my ankles up to the tops of my thighs. It felt like thousands of ants inside of me rushing up and down. :ohmy:
And vibrations in my chest area. Actually when my Anxiety was at it's peak, I listed them all and no kidding, there must have been about 50 symptoms!
I thought I was going to combust at one point. It's very scary if no-one has told you that these symptoms exist and the reason why. I get very angry with the little knowledge and help in the so called Medical World.
I think with you Toronto Girl that you are not ridding the Adrenaline and it is scaring you and so you become a victim of what we call the 'Anxiety Circle'.
The other thing is your Life.
If you have too much stress and maybe someone close to you has died or is suffering illness. This can affect you and pushes the Anxiety back up again.
What you need is a balance.
Unfortunately, we will always have stress in our lives, especially in this modern Life.
So, you have to make time in your day to rest, exercise, spoil and play.
You need to go back to childhood and do some silly things now and then.
Drawing is very good, painting, making something, playing an instrument, making cakes, growing plants and vegetables, knitting/sewing, playing a game, making up poems, painting your nails all different colours; that sort of thing.
Walking is very good if you can manage it. :)

Toronto girl
22-02-15, 17:16
Carnation, you are wonderful:)

Reading your post gives me a glimmer of hope and I need that right now.

Feel well!

22-02-15, 17:39
One more question (actually, maybe 2): would you describe your symptoms as psychosomatic?
Also, how was your general life effected? Relationships etc. If you don't mind answering of course :)

22-02-15, 18:26
Thank you again Toronto Girl, anytime. :)

In answer to your question Beefany.

'Psychosomatic', can be used in three main ways.
1. To make an illness/disease worse by thinking the worst.
2. To bring on illness/disease through the Mind.
3. To bring on physical symptoms to make you think you have something through the Mind.

The last one would be more true than the others. If you read Posts on here, you will see that many, many of us have been checked from head to toe and there is nothing wrong. BUT, we still have the symptoms.
So, It has to be the Mind that is making us think these things and feel these things.
But, there is another factor involved.
What is connected with that?
When are we nervous or fearful?
In a Car Crash, when we lose a loved one, when we have financial problems; losing a Job/Home, Friends or Family that are very ill around us, Stress in achieving well at School/Uni, raising a Family under difficult circumstances. A near death experience and so on.
If you also look at many of the Members here, you will find a lot of Professional people. Such as Doctors, Nurses, Policeman/Women, People with very responsible Jobs, and Families with sick children or lost loved ones. Pressure, Pressure and more Pressure!
The Mind is like a Pressure Cooker and eventually if it carries on boiling away, it boils over.
It's a bit like us.
We have got to a point in Life, where our Mind and Nerves need a rest. That's all it is. To repair itself. The trouble is, as soon as we feel better; off we go again. Rushing around, doing too much piling on the Stress again.
Then, Bam! Back to frayed nerves and tired Mind.
Now, the Mind is connected to the Body and that is where you get, 'Mind, Body, Spirit' from. And, a lot of us seek that help. 'Healthy Mind', 'Healthy Body'.
They start to take care of themselves, eating better, yoga, exercise, walking, becoming Spiritual and a lot of Celebs also suffer with this, because of the pressure and the constant limelight and jibes from the newspapers.
The other thing that you won't have been told is that the 'Stomach' is the second Brain.
That's why we have a upset tummy, IBS, Acid Reflux, stomach turning over etc.
We have got to a point where our Nerves are on edge and the Mind is protecting the Body from further damage and sending out signals to say; 'STOP', can't take anymore. It wants to rest and play. Not more Stress.
And, what do we do? Give it more Stress by thinking; "Oh, there's something wrong with me". So, then you get more symptoms until you reach a height where you can't even do the simplest of tasks throughout the day.
That's what happened to me.
Like I said, I am 80% better, with the help of this Site, a Therapist, a Mind/Body/Spirit Therapist and learning about the illness.
I highly recommend a book called, 'At last a Life' by Paul David.
It won't scare you, it will give you hope.
And, I highly recommend NOT to Google. That will make you worse.
As for my Life.
Yes, it did impact my Life drastically.
I could not do anything for 3 months. And, I mean anything.
I took baby-steps. I started with a little walk, making a cup of tea, phoning a Friend and slowly progressed back in to Society.
I know when I have done too much or pushed myself too far.
Listen to your Body. If you are tired, then rest.
If you are fidgety, then go for a walk or do something.
If you are hungry, eat.
If you are stressed, then STOP and do something relaxing.
If you think you have got something wrong with you and you have had the OK from the Doctor, then think logically.
Pain in the Jaw - I am clenching my Jaw.
Pain in the shoulders and neck and headache - I am walking around with my shoulders up and clenched.
Sensations running up and down my legs - Adrenaline
Unexplained coughing and choking, feeling lightheaded and blurred vision - I am breathing shallow because I am nervous.
This way of thinking helps a lot.:)
What I did was go to my GP and have blood Tests for everything!!!
Once he told me that. I accepted it. And, you have to believe what you are told. Don't go away thinking but what if? He forgot to do this and that? Start to Live your Life!!:)

Toronto girl
10-03-15, 17:17
Carnation, can I ask you how long your symptoms lasted.? I have had mine a long time.��

one day at a time
10-03-15, 17:57
And all the above is key to living your life rather existing and battling day to day with anxiety, it's the only way out of the nightmare and taken me this long to realise .your symptoms will go on for a while because your body and nerves need time to heal , it takes time to relax all those nerves again but you must accept the symptoms and don't fear or question them , that is the hardest part

---------- Post added at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

The more you check to see if they are there or how bad are they today etc the more stress hormones you release and prolong yout journey out of this .they are there and harmless so get on with your day the best you can , you will De sensitise and anxiety loses its power because you don't care if you have a symptom or not , slowly as you heal they fade

10-03-15, 19:53
Good point 'One day at a time'.

'anxiety loses its power because you don't care if you have a symptom or not , slowly as you heal they fade'.

Toronto Girl, you can heal in as little as 3 months, but if you have ongoing issues with stress, worry and depression, it can take longer. Anxiety can also flit in and out of your Life, depending on your circumstances.
But normally you can resume to normal Life quite quickly, as long as you brush aside any symptom as Anxiety.
I personally have ongoing stress and trauma in my Life, so my Symptoms are still positive. But, you learn to control them and ignore them, Sometimes it really gets you down, because you never seem normal or healed, but it is the Mind protecting your body, believe it or not, it is safer that way. :)

Toronto girl
10-03-15, 21:05
Thank you one day at a time and carnation. It means so much to read your answers.

Sorry for seeming dim carnation, but why would my body feel safer feeling pain? Maybe if I understand it will help.

10-03-15, 23:03
I definitely have the "seizure" type feelings. Two different types - one is just like you describe, little blips where it feels like I disappeared for a second then come back. The other is like every neuron in my brain is firing and all the connections are about to go haywire and I'm seconds away from going into a full-on fit. Of course that's never actually happened, but it feels absolutely terrifying.

11-03-15, 00:35
Because Toronto Girl, we all feel like we are about to die, but none of us do.
It is the Mind that affects the symptoms and is telling us to stop! Slow down, Relax, change our Life. And we have to listen to that. But, what do we do instead? We keep pushing the Mind. Over-loading the Mind with more worry.
Asking ourselves, what's wrong with me, I know I have something terrible and we end up feeding the Mind with more stress and worry.
The pain is caused by the frayed nerves. We are so nervous about everything and that is why it is so important to find that relaxation, break, chill time instead of Googling every symptom and driving ourselves crazy.
I was told by a Medical Professional who had suffered from Anxiety himself that a Nervous Breakdown is the start of recovery process. That is the point that you have peaked in to Anxiety and from that day on you will never go back to that point.
A blip may feel like you have, but if you feel you are going backwards, you know the signs, you have learnt techniques to deal with this and you may have been lucky to have support as well.
Toronto Girl, do you go to a Therapist? I would recommend this. A Therapist can help you to deal with a lot of the symptoms you are experiencing.

Toronto girl
11-03-15, 01:01
Thanks Carnation. I really appreciate your kindness.