View Full Version : smoking

22-02-15, 15:47
Hi am just wondering if anyone on here Has cough up brown after quite smokin sorry if its tmi just worried that it could be cancer .please if u can help please do so .i have no pain or bein out of breath just now again when i cough its clear with brown in it .

22-02-15, 16:08
Is it little bits of brown mixed with yellow or white?

22-02-15, 16:19
Yea little bits in white and for the last week its was green but bk to clear with brown bits in it .

22-02-15, 16:34
I gave up in Dec and yes in the second week I coughed up some pretty disgusting brown stuff which also left a revolting taste in my mouth. This is normal! A respiratory nurse confirmed that last week when I spoke to her. Its clearing the mucus from your lungs.


22-02-15, 16:35
Sounds like a chest infection. :)
Get plenty of Vitamin C and if it doesn't clear up, some Antibiotics from your GP.
Sounds like it's on it's way out if the mucus is more white than yellow.

22-02-15, 16:44
I gave up in Dec and yes in the second week I coughed up some pretty disgusting brown stuff which also left a revolting taste in my mouth. This is normal! A respiratory nurse confirmed that last week when I spoke to her. Its clearing the mucus from your lungs.


Iv had this since iv stoped smoking and its really gettin me down and worried iv done damage to my lungs .iv got no pain had abit thats week but its gone now .

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:42 ----------

Sounds like a chest infection. :)
Get plenty of Vitamin C and if it doesn't clear up, some Antibiotics from your GP.
Sounds like it's on it's way out if the mucus is more white than yellow.

Am goin to ask my doctor again see if she will check my lungs .i had a doctor about a month ago check um by listening and she said they were clear but how can she tell just by listening

22-02-15, 16:48
If you are talking the brown tar like stuff then you have just cleared the muck off your bacilli (!) which is normal. And to be honest if you have smoked for a long time then yes you have damaged your lungs BUT the good news is they will repair themselves if you are under the age of 40.
If the stuff you are coughing up is green then you probably have a chest infection.


22-02-15, 17:08
Am 31 soon and bin smoking on and off for about 5 years and before that i smoked on and off for about a year then stoped .

23-02-15, 13:54
Nicola... then you will be fine.......:)

23-02-15, 16:30
Congrats on quitting! I hope to do the same very soon!!

23-02-15, 20:31
Thanks everyone told doctor and she did not seem worried .