View Full Version : New here - vision disturbance?

22-02-15, 21:16
Hey everyone!

I have been a lurker for a while, but am taking a deep breath and reaching out for some help instead of allowing the worry to engulf me.

For the last few weeks, I've been getting a strange vision disturbance - it's like a circle that is black and white stripes, it's only ever when I look at my laptop screen, I can only see it out of the corner of my eye and it's gone in a split second.

This also only seems to happen when I'm tired or stressed.

I have ME, so have all sorts of other symptoms, but I'm not sure if the onset of something like this is part and parcel of that.

I've got no other symptoms (headaches etc) that would lead me to panic, but of course, I still am :)

I've recently had my eyes tested and they were given a fit bill of health, and I also recently had full bloods done and all came back negative.

I'm terrified I have a brain tumour...even though logic tells me otherwise.

If anyone can help me see this from a more healthy perspective I'd be ever so grateful <3

C x

Ps...I would go to my doctor about it, but I'm trying to avoid going for little things that clearly are a result of my anxiety. I have a really understanding doctor, but I'm sure he will say - get more rest!

22-02-15, 21:29
Sounds like floaters to me. I get them loads, sometimes bubbles, sometimes lines, black dots, white dots. Also have had my eyes tested and fine. If you've had an eye test and examination and you have the all clear I really would try and relax a bit. Opticians can see loads in your eye and detect a lot of abnormalities, especially with the photos they do nowadays.

Please try not to worry, easier said than done I know :-)

22-02-15, 21:32
Thank you so much DaisyP...I really appreciate your quick response!

They actually came on when I had flu at the end of January (real flu :( ), and I've been pretty run down since (even more so with my ME).

I just found it strange how they just suddenly started, and haven't stopped since. And always the same space, shape, location...

But yes you're right - they did all the photographs of my eyes when I had them checked, and even showed me them and showed me how healthy they are.

Thank you again for making me feel less silly x

22-02-15, 21:37
Ah no worries :-) that's what we are all here for!

Mine came on suddenly too, all of a sudden they were they. I've had them my whole life but never as severe as this. Some days I wake up though & there are less of them so that's good.

Opticians can see loads in your eyes especially the back, if they have looked then that's great.

I'm sorry to hear you suffer with ME and are feeling run down at the minute, I hope it settles for you soon :-) x

22-02-15, 21:57
I had all the same problems with my vision that Daisy has mentioned above, i had eye tests and everything was clear, so i asked my doctor what it could be thats causing it, and apparently when you're anxious, sometimes your pupils dilate which makes them sensitive to light, which in turn can cause visual disturbances! Its a bit of a strange theory but it put my mind at ease anyway!