View Full Version : Worried about Testicular Cancer

22-02-15, 21:39
About a week and a half ago my boyfriend noticed his left testicle was enlarged and there was a dull ache in it and it felt heavy. Up to this point he had, had no symptoms in this area before. A couple of days later it was twice the size of the other and there was a dull ache in his groin and lower back as well. He made an appointment at the docs and was seen three days later, three GPs had a look and were baffled. They said perhaps an infection but didn't give him any antibiotics which I find weird as if its an infection its fairly aggressive to cause so much swelling so quickly so surely if they really thought it was this they would have started him on antibiotics. After talking amongst themselves they said they were referring him for an ultrasound as they said they didn't know what it was really and an infection was just a guess He was contacted a day later with an appointment for the scan 3 days after that, which is double quick. I didn't think cancer would come up as fast as the swelling suddenly did. I thought cancer would be more gradual and I know there are a range of other things it could be but having googled the symptoms of testicular cancer swelling with a dull ache in testicle and groin are the main symptoms and I've read in several places the swelling etc can come up quickly. I'm worried perhaps a lump has been growing inside and is only maifesting outwardly now perhaps. Pain in lower back is also a symptom listed on lots of websites! So are problems with breathing and his asthma has got alot worse with no explanation over last couple of years, it was always very mild previously. Plus he is in the main age bracket for it (early thirties).

With how many symptoms he has that seem to tally and the tight lipped GPs and rapid referral, I can't help but worry at the moment that things might not be good... I've worried off and on over the years that I could have various types of cancer with alot less symptoms, and there just seems too much that tallies with TC here. Not a happy bunny

22-02-15, 21:46
Aw Louise, horrible to worry. It's good he has gone to get it checked out. Cancer is v rare that's what you need to keep in mind but getting it seen to is good. Let us know how he goes x

23-02-15, 08:31
Thanks I will, I have everything crossed. With this and how bad work is at the moment I'm worrying off the scale today :-(

23-02-15, 09:28
Another possible explanation for the rapid referral could be that they have understood the rate of growth and its only a matter if time in that area before you could experience an obstruction. So, perhaps they don't want to leave it because untreated it could cause him some other problems?

If you look up growth or swelling with acheing, etc I bet cancer tends to be on the list. But what else is? If you put in some symptoms (not your BF's) you can get anything from common issues all the way up to ebola in some things.

UV's are very quick processes and everyday things for them. Years ago everything was done at hospitals so it took ages and you ended up sitting in there for ages but now there are clinics that have sprung up all over the place that are doing things like basic testing eg bloods and its much quicker thesedays.

It could easily be an epididymal cyst which causes heavy or acheing testicles due to the fluid build up.

Does it feel like a bag of worms? Or is it more fluid?

You can also get a hernia in that area but you would expect a GP to easily spot that and if it could be a chance of a strangulation, there is no way they would wait and would just tell him to go up the hospital (they do a GP referral over the phone for you ready for when you get there). So, it doesn't sound like that.

I do feel sorry for your BF, it must have been like having a panel examining him!

24-02-15, 20:37
Thanks for posting. Yeah, he said he did feel abit exposed and on show, I guess at least they were taking it seriously.

I'm trying to focus on everything else it could be, its just things like the back and groin aching and pains he has had in one of his legs over recent weeks, in addition to the swelling in the testicle that are freaking me out so much I think. Plus my boyfriend has now told me that they did the test where they shine a light behind the testicle, if its filled with just fluid you should still be able to see the light but the doc couldn't see the light. I'm worried that perhaps this is the time it really will be something given how much seems to tally with TC, and that the docs were perhaps just not saying much because deep down they suspected a possible cancer but as its not something they could really say without the scan they didn't want to jump the gun.

I think it does feel a bit like worms but hard at the same time, though not completely solid, I guess I can't really describe what it feels like as its not happening to me, but I have read cases on forums where it hasn't felt hard and this is because the tumour has caused fluid to surround it.

I'm proud of him for going so quickly, and glad he will get the scan done tomorrow, does anyone know if you can get ultrasound results straight away?

25-02-15, 15:34
He just had the ultrasound and the person doing it told him to call his docs in one hour and not to wait. She said basically that he needs to act fast but didn't say what it was but I'm guessing this must mean cancer! She asked if he was at work tomorrow and when he said yes she said well you might not be and said again talk to your doc. I am at sat at work now and I feel so ill, I feel like my world has fallen apart.................

25-02-15, 16:55
Oh, Louise, I am sorry to hear this. I really hope the doctor can give you both some reassurance.

Please let us know how you get on, and stay strong for both of you. Prayers will be said here tonight.:hugs:

27-02-15, 14:17
After all my years of worrying I am floored when it actually happens to someone so close to me, anxiety is in overdrive. Going to have to be strong for him but not quite sure how, I've gone faint just seeing the word chemotheraphy in a hospital before, heck I go faint just walking through the reception of a hospital..... :-(