View Full Version : I am feeling seriously ill and I do not know what to do

23-02-15, 10:19
I feel absolutely insane, like everything is horrific and evil.
What shall I do? It appears I cannot seem to help myself so I doubt GP's will be any good, all they can do is dish out medications with horrible side effects.

I am at a complete and utter loss. And the hard thing is that the way I feel seems to be a genetic part of who I am rather than a specific incident which has caused the way I feel to blow over into the way it has currently. So how does one change their genetic preposition if its a part of your DNA/genetic make up?

What does one do in my situation? Along with the physical symptoms I am now also plagued with horrendous mental anguish which wouldn't be out of place in the depths of hell, I am preoccupied with medical emergencies, preoccupation with death and the horrific nature that most people die in, etc.


24-02-15, 16:06
You're "preoccupied" with anxious things. You are going to continue being preoccupied with anxious things until you put your mind on other things.

Put your mind on other things and forget those anxious things. If they pop into your head, forget them as fast as you can.

The fact is, unlike many other people, TODAY you are healthy. Isn't that a reason to be happy ?

I could very quickly plummet into anxiety about my health. All I'd need to do would be to think about the same health worries on a regular basis, maybe spend all my time educating myself on them so I can monitor myself for them. But I don't want to be anxious about diseases and my health so I make that the LAST thing I'm going to think about.

If you are thinking about your health anxieties health anxieties are all you're going to get.

24-02-15, 16:13
first stop is go to your GP and have an open and honest discussion with them.Not all medications have horrible side effects that is internet scaremongering and not all GPs just dish out tablets.A GP can arrange counselling and therapy which is your path to recovery and self help