View Full Version : What can't I be 'normal'..........

23-02-15, 19:10
So after all my UTI issues and my urology appt soon I sat at work today looking round thinking why can't I be normal..........

I mean I've seen 3 GPs and all said I have nothing serious yet I can't believe them. Why can't I be like others and think 'oh well a UTI'. No, not me, it means something serious............

23-02-15, 19:51
Hi there, I have been the same, I look at other people and think I wish I was like them, but people who meet me think I am a happy carefree person they never believe it when I tell them I suffer with anxiety, so I'm sure some of these people we label normal have the same Anxiety's as us they just look like they don't, anyway try not to worry, you know deep down you are fine, you have been checked by drs, they know what they are doing, you just need to have faith in them, take care xxx

24-02-15, 13:50
You need to find something in your life that replaces the time you spend worrying about your health. Distraction is the key to this.

Hope this helps,
