View Full Version : Gall bladder inflammation

23-02-15, 19:16

About a week and a half ago I was taken to hospital with really bad back/rib pain, the pain in my ribs was on my right hand side. Was kept in for tests/chest x-rays and an ultrasound found gall bladder inflammation.

Was in hospital for a few days on an antibiotic drip (which was rough, couldn't stop throwing up every time I had a new drip) then last Monday they discharged me on a five-day course of antibiotics. Was told I need to come back in six weeks for a clinic appointment, and would eventually need to have my gall bladder removed.

I went on holiday the next day until Saturday, a friend's wife who's a GP said I'd be fine to drink on my tablets but not to go crazy, so was drinking shandys (half beer, half lemonade). Apart from the last night where I had a couple of shots because they gave us them for free in the bar :doh:

Today was my first day back in work, loads of people asked me how I was/what had happened throughout the day, one person went "oh a friend's wife had that and died". I've still got a dull pain in my back/under my right shoulder blade, but hadn't thought much of it... Until then. So I then googled to see if it was common to still have this dull pain, and first thing I saw was "potentially serious condition".

So of course I've completely lost my mind.

I've been suffering really bad with my anxiety lately, and this hasn't helped. I'm convinced this dull pain means the antibiotics haven't worked (because of my own stupid fault) and it's just going to get worse and I'm going to die. Or what if it's something else entirely that they've missed?

Actually shaking writing this, my heart's going and my breathing's crazy. Can't seem to calm down. Wish he'd never said anything to me :frown:

23-02-15, 19:49
Hi. I had my gall bladder out about 6 months ago and I feel much better. Try not to eat solid fat eg. round a slice of ham or a chop. Fat aggravates it. The operation was no problem. I was only in one day and didn't have a long scar. They did it through a couple of tiny incisions that caused me no problem at all. You shouldn't drink alcohol with antibiotics, but that won't have made your gall bladder worse. Try not to worry.

23-02-15, 19:56
I had a dodgy gallbladder. I know the pain well. After 3 years of trying to figure out what it was even after they said oh you have gallstones and did nothing about those. Eventually nice general surgeon lady promised me she would get me sorted. Had an an ultrasound and found my very unhappy gallbladder that was always infected. I had pain in my shoulders and back too. I had it removed. Better off without it. You won't die. If you have gallstones and they go to your pancreas that can be dangerous but with me my gallstones weren't there so must have passed no problem and in fact the op to remove gallbladders is done by keyhole surgery unless they really need to do open surgery. Mine was removed via keyhole surgery.:hugs: I know the pain well. Fatty foods make dodgy gallbladders worse.

23-02-15, 20:16
Thank you both, did you have the dull pain in your back/side before you had it removed? Just need to know that this is normal and it's not coming back to kill me...

I know I shouldn't have drank whilst I was on the tablets, which is making my anxiety worse :doh:

23-02-15, 20:27
Thank you both, did you have the dull pain in your back/side before you had it removed? Just need to know that this is normal and it's not coming back to kill me...

I know I shouldn't have drank whilst I was on the tablets, which is making my anxiety worse :doh:

Yes I had it before the pesky gallbladder was removed. Sometimes when my gallbladder had a really bad flare up the dull pain was worse.

23-02-15, 23:38
I had a lot of pain in my back and shoulder for almost two years before mine was removed. I know someone who very recently had gallbladder inflammation and she was constantly complaining of the same pain for some time until hers settled down. X