View Full Version : Scared of sharp pain in chest

23-02-15, 22:52
Hey everyone,

Haven't been here for a while. I hope you're all doing well!
About an hour ago I started getting this dull pain in my left hand and also in this small area above my left breast but closer to my arm pit. I recently just finished eating dinner and I was just sitting there (with the pain still there) when all of a sudden the pain becomes sharp for a second and then back to dull. It really worried me. It's still in the same area. Could it be muscle related?

I checked my heart rate and its 76bpm.
Trying not to let it get to me

24-02-15, 05:55
Bumping up

24-02-15, 09:26
I too go through this same thing on a daily basis but through much thought and deliberation I have come to this, if you or I were having a heart attack, and something bad were to come of it, it would have happened. A pain in your chest and arm could be anything and when its long lasting it's most likely due to a muscle spsm. Also, anxiety attacks will make you have sharp pains and short breathing so having anxiety about it doesn't help. You will be fine. I recommend laying down flat and relaxing your body and mind. Think happy things.

26-02-15, 16:27
Thank you for the response tdn!

The pain actually went away until yesterday. I was fine during the day and then I went out with a few friends and we were dancing and stuff, all of a sudden again with the pain. I'm really hoping it's just muscle related