View Full Version : Need help with anxiety??

23-02-15, 23:18
Im a 16 year old female and ive had anxiety on and off for years but for the past month its gone to where I believe I have a mental illness or going insane!!! I just want reassurance and I freak out easy so please reply nicely

ive had anxiety/ panic attacks for a while and im definately a worrier. In June 2014 i was diagnosed with Itp (low platelets) which triggered anxiety and made me obsessively scan my body for bruises and rashes. So after this i think i had health anxiety because i was worrying about everything 'wrong' with my body: acid reflux, floaters in eye and lump in throat etc.. THis escalated so Around christmas I got what i think was derealisation(dream like, I felt like couldnt recognise my surroundings because they didnt feel right) which made me into a wreck. I kept waking up with a racing heart and crying a lot. That lasted about 3 weeks and fortunately eventually went because I kept myself busy.
Now I just seem like im analyzing myself like questioning myself if i actually feel like this (believing im crazy) be ccause it doesnt feel right for a teenager to think like this and Iget worried that this derealization will happen again so unvolutnarily I think to myself is this actually happening?Sometimes aswell its like the colour saturation is lower or my eyes cant adjust to the light or something idk. But recently, I think my health anxiety has focused in my mental state and for some reason i have convinced myself that im insane!!!
I would say that I have slight social anxiety and I rethink scenarios in my head of what happened that day and how awkward I am. And I have been overthinking my past and sort of OCD things I used to do which panicked me again. I just need to stop overthinking everything!!!!

My main worry is that what is happening isnt actually anxiety and is a serious mental illness that will make me lose comtrol and go insane or any moment like ill forget my family and i wont be able to recognise anything or soemthing. also, i have found that i go over my worries in my head a lot and sometimes i cant remember some of my reasons for feeling this way amd it scares me as well and makes me feel like im crazy. I just want to know if anyone else is experiencing this or similar experiences and what i should do to stop it!!!! Thanks, sorry for the bad writing and I dont knkw if it makes sense but I neede to get it off of my chest!!!!

23-02-15, 23:57
Hi Char,

The first time I had a bad bout of anxiety I felt a lot of what you describe. It's totally normal with anxiety.
I often felt, 'shit I'm gonna need to be committed if this carries on' my mind would be racing and I'd constantly be thinking 'have I gone/going mad' etc. Best thing I took solace in is that people with the kind of mental illness you/I are thinking of don't realise they have it. The fact that you know you don't feel right is a major positive.
I'd definitely go to the doctors and see what they recommend. For me it was Citalopram and although I'm only 1 week into it this time, it has always sorted me out.

24-02-15, 02:08
Hi char, I'm a 16 yr old girl with health anxiety as well. I've had it for about 4 yrs now, and I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I usually feel like that during periods of time when my anxiety is really bad. I'm now taking Zoloft to help w/ my anxiety and I've found that it's definitely helping. Don't worry that you are going crazy, because I can promise you that you are not. What you're experiencing is really common with anxiety, and you're not alone. It might help to see a therapist and maybe take some meds for anxiety. I hope you feel better soon:)

24-02-15, 15:42
Thanks for replying guys!!!! I really thought I was the only one thinking like this so this has really helped. Im hopefully going to see a psychologist soon about it so I'll see what they recommend. Thanks again!! this has definitely put my mind at ease :)