View Full Version : White Tongue with Spots

24-02-15, 18:32
Hi there, i have recently posted about a tongue cancer fear. My tongue is looking quite white and like it has spots at the back. Im really scared this could be oral cancer? Or could it be oral thrush? Its not painful, i was getting a burning sensation for a couple of days. It is a bit uncomfortable and a weird taste in my mouth and it feels like something is caught in my throat. I have attached a pic so please let me know your thought? Anyone had a white tongue?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

24-02-15, 22:48
hi. Anyone had this? ive just had another look and theres loads of spots at the back of my tongue. could this be serious?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

24-02-15, 23:15
... Its not painful, i was getting a burning sensation for a couple of days...

Hi there Louise,

I have just joined this forum, and made my first post tonight.

I want to start by clarifying that I am not a doctor, and if you really want to allay your fears, you should see your GP. However a quick Google search told me:

"Symptoms of tongue cancer are very similar to symptoms of other types of oral cancer. It can often be mistaken for a cold that won’t go away, or a persistent sore in the mouth. Other tongue cancer symptoms and signs may include:

Persistent tongue and/or jaw pain
A lump or thickening in the inside of the mouth
A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, tonsil, or lining of the mouth
A sore throat or feeling that something is caught in the throat that does not go away
Difficulty swallowing or chewing
Difficulty moving the jaw or tongue

NOTE: These symptoms may be attributed to a number of conditions other than cancer. It is important to consult with a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis."

Now you said yours was not painful, and the first listed symptom IS: "Persistent tongue and/or jaw pain", which you don't seem to have, so I hope this helps calm you down a bit until you gather your thoughts and decide whether or not you should go and see your GP.

I hope this puts your mind at rest a little, and as I say I am not a qualified medical practitioner, but just wanted to post this, so you know there is someone out there who cares.

Take care

25-02-15, 08:19
Thanks for your post. I woke up with a sore throat today can that just be where it got dry overnight? I seem to have spots at the back of my tongue and one seems to be bigger than the others could that be linked to oral cancer? Im still very scared. I dont seem to have any problems moving my tongue Or swollowing. i just cant believe this is happening.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

25-02-15, 12:34
As an OC survivor, I replied to your previous thread. many others did too. I would re-read the responses and visit your doctor if the symptoms persists.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

25-02-15, 13:01
Im gonna book a denitist appointment next week as i need a check up anyway. Do u think they will be able to tell me wat it is? the thought of going terrifies me but i know i have to. what i have doesnt seem to be going away So if it dont go away does that mean its deffinitly oral cancer? Like i said the main symptom seems to be a white coating with white spots at the back of tongue and today i have a sore throat.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

25-02-15, 13:06
The white coating and now soreness are indicative of thrush (which I've had many times) but no one here is a doctor and no one can tell from looking at a picture. Just visit a walk in clinic and get it taken care of. It's certainly a more productive way to address this as opposed to worrying.

Positive thoughts

25-02-15, 18:31
Yea i keep trying to tell myself its thrush or an infection. Im only 28 and a non-smoker and ive never been a big drinker. Im going to see the dentist next week but im just so terrified they will take one look and suspect oral cancer. any reassurance? i have also had a sore throat today which is adding to my fear.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

26-02-15, 14:46
Hey. I went into dentist today and there are no appointments till 12th march and i can i cope with all this worry another 2 weeks? Im gonna try doctors, see if they have anything sooner. im so scared as i just know its oral cancer, i have all the symptoms and they arent getting any better and if it was anything harmless it would be getting bettef by now? I just cant concentrate on anything else except the fact i probably have oral cancer? I have a whiteish tongue and the back of my tongue there white spots and looks all manky and horrible. I also have had a sore throat the last couple of days. Im so scared right now. Has anyone had really bad things with their tongue and it not been serious? I really need some hope.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

08-03-15, 03:37
It probably isn't necessary to see a dentist straight away. A GP should be able to look at it and tell you whether they think it is an infection or thrush. Certain viral and bacterial infections (such as tonsilitis and strep) can cause visible changes to your throat and tongue. If the GP is unsure, that's the point at which I would consult a dentist.