View Full Version : Oh crap! I'm back!

25-02-15, 07:42
Ok so haven't posted in a while as I've been doing quite well!!

But after I got out of bed this morning I went downstairs and all I a sudden I got really warm, got an achey sick feeling in my stomach, started to shake a little so I looked in the mirror and I was as pale as a ghost!

I have to sit down real quick because I thought I was going to pass out, I grabbed a yoghurt out of te fridge and just are it real quick and now the feeling has passed

What could this hae been, I'm worried that I'm going pass out or something

25-02-15, 08:10
I've just had a bug for 5 days with symptoms like you describe. There are lots of bugs about at the moment. If you feel better now, then I wouldn't worry about it.

25-02-15, 17:23
Hi thanks or your reply

It was horrible I thought I was going to pass out, now I'm scared of it happening again so Ive been all edgy all day

It happened like 10 mins after I got out of bed and it passes after 5 minuets or so, so I'm not sure what it was

25-02-15, 20:49
Sounds like it could of just been a panic attack, I had one once, trying to go to sleep, I was lying down then all of a sudden I felt like I was going to throw up, then I got up and felt woozy and ill, it calmed down after about 10 minutes

25-02-15, 21:36
Sounds like a drop in blood pressure/sugar levels to me.

Did you get up too quick? It's just sometimes that happens to me when I get out of bed during the night or in the morning and I feel really shaky and sick, I have to sit down for a few minutes and it passes but it's really common if you've moved from a laying/sitting position to standing to quickly.

Doesn't sound like anything to worry about.:)

26-02-15, 18:30
Hi I don't think it was a panic attack I have them quite often and it felt nothing like I panic attack

I guess it could have been blood pressure/something to do with my sugar maybe

It hasn't happened since though which I'm chuffed about,