View Full Version : Blood Test

25-02-15, 09:29
Hi Guys,

Well the time has come round once again that I need to have a blood test. My partner and I are going through Stage One of the adoption process and its required as part of our medical check up.

I have had some awful experiences with blood tests, passing out, unable to get blood out of me etc. Last time I was sent for one they tried 8 times to get the blood out but I was just so tense they couldnt.

This blood test is obviously very important and I HAVE to get this done for the sake our our future.

I was just wondering if anyone has any handy tips for blood tests and keeping calm and making the whole thing go smoothly. I have got myself some numbing cream and read that drinking lots of water beforehand helps. Ive also got a friend coming in with me (I know it make me look like a wimp).

Its not the pain that bothers me at all. I have tattoos and have been pierced in several locations in my time, but its just the whole vein/blood aspect of it. Even now as I write those two words I can feel my hands getting weaker.

I have been watching a video on Youtube of someone having a blood test to get me used to it. Also Im thinking I want them to take it from my hand rather that the inside of my arm. I dont know why but that makes me less squeemish if I think about it being taken from my arm.

Any help or advice is appreciated.

Thanks x

25-02-15, 16:48
Jono. Make sure you tell the person taking the blood of your phobia before he/she does it. I would wager a large amount of money that they will have heard this many times, and will be able to calm you there and then.

I hope it goes well, and you both achieve your dream of adoption.:hugs:

25-02-15, 21:39
Make sure you drink plenty before you go, when they had trouble getting blood out of my son once they said it can be due to dehydration and sure enough he'd barely drunk anything beforehand.

That and take lots of deep breaths and as others have said tell them you are nervous/worried. Just think about the end result when they are doing it to take your mind off of it.

Take care