View Full Version : Severe Panic - Could it be deadly? HELP!!!

25-02-15, 12:51
Hi, please help.

I tried mustard oil as it was said to be good for heath, I then looked on the internet and it says that its banned from being consumed in most countries and its high in erucic acid.

I only tried a little, in a glass,

Could I get seriously ill or die from this?

Will i be poisoned?

I'm trying to make myself be sick but i can't

25-02-15, 12:56
Go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erucic_acid, read the section on health, and stop worrying. Sounds like it was withdrawn due to a possible link to heart problems in animals at high doses.

25-02-15, 13:09
Go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erucic_acid, read the section on health, and stop worrying. Sounds like it was withdrawn due to a possible link to heart problems in animals at high doses.

Thanks so much for replying, can't stop thinking about it, just how high is high?

25-02-15, 14:20
No idea, I'm not a chemist, but read the first sentence again - no human being has ever had negative health effects from exposure. You've had a tiny amount.

25-02-15, 15:40
No idea, I'm not a chemist, but read the first sentence again - no human being has ever had negative health effects from exposure. You've had a tiny amount.

That is reassuring but what food even has erucic acid in?
How common is it that people still consume it?

25-02-15, 18:00
I don't know. But you're not going to be the first recorded human being to be poisoned by it because you drank a mouthful.