View Full Version : Is this health anxiety?? Feeling sick headaches indigestion and breathles/palpitations

25-02-15, 15:52
Hi there

Looking for some reassurance 😪

Been doing quite well with my anxiety problem for a while now and it seems this week I have got a few worrying symptoms to me

Feeling sick
Breathless when going upstairs like palpitations
And just not feelng myself

I had a baby 9 months ago and I'm due to return to work on Monday which is bothering me lots, do you think the above symptoms and me not feeling myself is all to do with my anxiety??? Feeling worried

Thanks Jayne

25-02-15, 16:53
Hey Jayne. Going back to work after such a layoff is a huge thing, so I would imagine all of this is due to your body bringing out the physical symptoms of the stress of going back.

Have you spoken to your manager? Tell him/her that you are positive about work, but anxious after such a long time out, and, of course, leaving your baby. If your manager is a good manager, he or she should be able to talk you through this and provide you with the reassurances you clearly need.

25-02-15, 17:49
My manager is very good and they are very flexible I'm only going back part time but I feel horrible this week and thinking is it more than anxiety but seems a coincidence I'm trying to look at this with a positive but my brains leaving this doubt that maybe the symptoms are not related

I'm so tired as well this week keep going to bed for a nap