View Full Version : Terrified of Lymphoma

25-02-15, 19:47
Hello, I posted the below on a different internet forum and received no reply, am now posting it here.

18th Feb

I have been having various issues. I have bad health anxiety as it is, and have convinced myself I am suffering from lymphoma. It all started because I was having lots of aches and pains, in my neck, ribs, arms and back. I somehow convinced myself it was my lymph nodes and ran to the doctor, he sent me for all kinds of blood tests for infection, inflammation, thyroid function, FBC, etcera etcera. All came back completely normal. I calmed down for a week and then suddenly started aching again. This time I started searching in my groin, neck and armpits for swollen glands. I couldn't find any at all. However I have now found a small, and I mean tiny, it's like 0.3cm maximum bump on the muscle in my neck. It is near the top on the left hand side it doesn't ache and is barely noticeable, have to really dig around to find it. It's not on the other side.

I have no other symptoms, except for the fact that I get a bit sweaty at night sometimes. But I don't think this is related as I have been getting it on and off since I was in my early teens and I am now 28.

A few more things, I have been poking around in my neck a lot, could this have caused the little bump? Or I also had the Hepatitis B Vaccine about 8 hours before I found this bump, could that have caused it? And again, I had a bad cold about a fortnight ago...

My other thought is that if it was lymphoma would something have shown in my blood? The doctor who ordered the tests told me that they would rule out anything serious.

I don't even know if this bump is a gland, it feels very small. I have a few lipomas and a couple of cysts elsewhere on my body, could this be one of those?

No family history of cancer of any kind at all.

Oh and I dunno if it's relevant, but from October til December I was getting nosebleeds, mainly when I blew my nose. Doctor suspected a damaged blood vessel but referred me to an ENT doctor, appointments in March, but the nose bleeds have now stopped.


Went to the doctor. He says it is a Gland but it is so small it's nothing to worry about. He says I have probably prodded it too much and that is why it I up. Advised me to stop touching it for a month and stay off Google. He says it won't be anything serious because all my blood tests show I'm in perfect health.

I do have a tiny bit of a sore throat since yesterday and for the past week I have had an itchy and very waxy left ear. The Doctor looked in my ear and said it was slightly Red.

I have just got myself in a terrible state about it all, I have a 9 month old Daughter and I am terrified of dying and not being able to see her grow up I also am terrified of dying and not being with my Wife. All this is making my anxiety worse.

25-02-15, 20:25
Dude your absolutely fine so stop worrying! You have done the bravest thing by getting bloods done etc which have showed nothing. Your in perfect health just every now and again your body does some strange things, it's getting older, more worn, like a car, they don't last forever and things change and play up from time to time but the good and best news is you had your oil checked and got a clean bill of health.

I wish I had the strength to go for blood tests but I'm convinced I'll be told the worst. I'm delaying the inevitable in the hope that I'm wrong but I cant see any other way I'm so depressed sat here watching my wife and daughter playing and laughing and joking I'm so broken inside

25-02-15, 21:40
Thanks for replying.

I'm fairly certain this bump is there as a result of constant poking. In the days leading up to finding it I was continually poking my neck and it wasn't there and suddenly it was

25-02-15, 22:00
You sound just like me same age also. I had a chest xray and blood work done. Went to an ent specialist and everyone said I was ok. Try to relax and enjoy life. Stop focusing on the dreadful things that could possibly happen. You had blood work and all is ok so go amd celebrate life with your wife and daughter