View Full Version : Freaking out about my bloodshot eye

25-02-15, 20:40
So my right eye is red on the inner corner, it's happened before, usually in the evening, it feels kinda sore but I was touching it when I noticed it was red.

I do wear makeup so it's probably just that some has got in and irritated it, but this has happened before and it's always the same eye, I've got no other eye problems that I know of and I don't really want to bother my doctor or optician, plus I'm scared if I go, they'll tell me something is terribly wrong with me.

I googled red eye, I know bad idea, and it said Subconjuntival hemorrhage which freaked me out badly just the word hemorrhage does as my grandma died just before Xmas from a brain one from high blood pressure, I don't think I have high blood pressure, I've been tested for thing lately and my doctor didn't seemed concerned, but I just feel so upset, I connect all these dots up then just assume I'll go the way my gran did, and it was awful she died like a vegetable, and it frightens me so much, I've been so good lately with my worrying and googling had days and days of not anxiety, then tonight I saw my red eye again and my hands started sweating and now I'm just freaking out on the verge of crying, I know rationally that she got her condition because of not taking her blood pressure medication, but I know it can just happen even though it's very rare, and when she got sick I googled the condition and it said, smokers, heavy drinks and people with high blood pressure are most at risk, and well I used to drink not so much anymore, I smoke!!!! I'm trying to quit but finding it hard, I'm only in my 20's and last time I had low blood pressure not so sure now.

Sorry for long winded message

I just hate feeling this scared, thanks for reading! :hugs:

25-02-15, 21:02
Blood shot eyes are nothing. I almost always have some kind of blood vessel visible or something similar.

It's mostly caused by tiredness/working long hours/ lack of sleep.

Not the sign of anything serious

25-02-15, 21:27
Thanks for replying :) feeling calmer now

25-02-15, 21:37
I had an accident with my eye once and THAT was bloodshot. It was completely bright red where it should have been white. And there was no real damage to it in the end. Blood shot eapyes can be caused by hundreds of things, I get them all the time! :)

25-02-15, 21:45
It's just because it's in the same part, the first time it happened though I had got something in my eye and it was irritated, so maybe I'm just prone to redness there