View Full Version : Tingling breast. Worried about breast cancer again

26-02-15, 11:00
So in december i attended the breast clinic and had an ultrasound which resulted in everything being normal. I was experiencing pain but the pain went soon after the ultrasound. Now for the past week i've had a numb tingly burning sensation in the same breast. I am now back to thinking i have breast cancer and so worried. I cant think about anything else which might be making it worse. Can anyone help me as i'm going out of my mind with worry

27-02-15, 14:29

27-02-15, 14:40
You're back to "thinking" you have BC when in fact, based on very recent scientific medical testing you do not.

Positive thoughts

one day at a time
27-02-15, 17:09
You've had the all clear from the breast tests . Burning /tingling skin is one of many anxiety symptoms and the more you focus on it and the more it's there . I too have had this and it spread further this time . Once you accept the burning/tingling and relax you will likely find it fades away , mine has now cleared

27-02-15, 21:38
Hi! I know how you're feeling, as I am obviously a hypochondriac myself.

You've had the tests less than 2 months ago. The scans would've most likely picked at least the tiniest thing up.

Anxiety can easily cause tingling. Once you stop worrying it will go.


If you're worried, see a doctor for your peace of mind, because it doesn't sound like there's anything to worry about.


Good luck
Toby :)

15-05-15, 16:23
It's back again girls and I'm so scared. It's like a burning tickly feeling like a feather flickering inside. I just wish it would go away. I feel like calling my gp but trying to stop myself as this might cause my anxiety to get worse

17-05-15, 17:06
Anyone please! I'm convinced I have cancer again and so scared x

17-05-15, 18:37
I've had so many weird sensations in my left breast in the past year. I went to the breast clinic and they said that some women just have pain in the breast for no reason and that it's quite common. If you've had an ultrasound then you should be reassured that you're ok but I know what the worrying is like. Maybe you could go back to your docs and say you're still concerned because of the sensation? I'm sure everything is ok though :)

20-05-15, 18:10
Anyone please! I'm convinced I have cancer again and so scared x

Hi Jessicasmummy,
I had these same fears for well over 6 months and i can't totally relate as it is terrible to deal with. boobs are weird, feel weird, and they ALWAYS feel bumpy...BUT i also have extreme HA and ended up getting a mammogram and three different ultrasounds (which was way overboard and a result of my HA). I even ended up seeing my moms breast surgeon to see if i had any genetic issues i needed to be concerned about. Turns out i was fine and i am sure you are too!

I know i was constantly checking and it would give me pain and numbness that i had a hard time distinguishing real or not.

What i took away from my over medical testing is that ultrasounds are pretty good at finding invasive cancers and mammograms are still the gold standard. It is hard to put trust in doctors but if anything just use the science. you were checked and it came back clear. you're good.