View Full Version : Feeling physically sick that I might have interstitial cystitis :'(

26-02-15, 14:58
I feel so so petrified right now. I just don't know what to do. Ever since June (since I had a UTI) I've been getting pain when I wee on and off, and bladder pain. Every time I go to the doctors to hand in a urine sample, it always comes back negative and the doctors aren't sure what's wrong with me.

I've noticed that my symptoms totally go away when I'm happy, stress free or either, worrying about something else. But I was doing some research yesterday and came across interstitial cystitis and I'm scared out of my mind that this is what I have. I don't think I'd be able to cope with this. I just want to lead a normal happy life. Is that too much to ask for? I know anxiety can cause a lot of aches and pains but I've never heard of anxiety causing pain with the water works and bladder pain so I feel this is the only explanation with what I'm experiencing.

I remember, back in 2012 I started experiencing these symptoms. Strangely, a few days before a friend of mine told me they had a UTI and that scared me. For months I went trough the same thing and it just went.. and since then, it's been happening on and off. I'm off to the doctors tomorrow to discuss whether it is that or not. I just don't know what to do and I'm tired of being down and crying about this :'( any responses or experiences would be greatly appreciated..

---------- Post added at 14:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

Ah, no one.. thought not.

26-02-15, 15:21
The tests would not come back negative if you had this and your doctor would have picked up on it.
You have said yourself that the symptoms go away when you are happy so this points to it being anxiety related and yes anxiety can cause pain all over your body. I had more bladder problems when I was anxious.

26-02-15, 15:27
The tests would not come back negative if you had this and your doctor would have picked up on it.
You have said yourself that the symptoms go away when you are happy so this points to it being anxiety related and yes anxiety can cause pain all over your body. I had more bladder problems when I was anxious.

It's really horrible and I'm getting very worked up about it. It's just I don't really see how anxiety can cause me this much pain hence why I keep going back and forth to the doctor. I'm not quite sure what to do about it anymore as it's getting me down more and more :(

26-02-15, 15:29
The more you worry the worse the pain will be, try to work on the anxiety which is the root of the problem.

26-02-15, 15:41
The more you worry the worse the pain will be, try to work on the anxiety which is the root of the problem.

I am trying to work on that. I'm going to therapy every Tuesday now thankfully :)

26-02-15, 17:06
Hi Emily,

I have kind of the same symptoms as you. I had a UTI in November but the pain persisted, although the pain I have is just in general, not when I wee (weeing seems to relieve it). It went away for a about a month, but came back last week when I was having a bad week anxiety-wise. I am thinking that it is probably muscular. I am tense everywhere else and have muscle aches, so why not there? Especially since it goes away when I am relaxed and happy, like yours does. Also, it's a bit different from the pain of the UTI. All my urine tests have come back negative as well, so I know there's no infection.

I also thought it might be interstitial cystitis, but I can have all of the things they tell you not to eat without any ill-effects or increased pain to my bladder. So I am pretty sure it is not that. Sounds like it is anxiety, like mine seems to be. Relax and BREATHE. :)


26-02-15, 17:20
Hi Emily,

I have kind of the same symptoms as you. I had a UTI in November but the pain persisted, although the pain I have is just in general, not when I wee (weeing seems to relieve it). It went away for a about a month, but came back last week when I was having a bad week anxiety-wise. I am thinking that it is probably muscular. I am tense everywhere else and have muscle aches, so why not there? Especially since it goes away when I am relaxed and happy, like yours does. Also, it's a bit different from the pain of the UTI. All my urine tests have come back negative as well, so I know there's no infection.

I also thought it might be interstitial cystitis, but I can have all of the things they tell you not to eat without any ill-effects or increased pain to my bladder. So I am pretty sure it is not that. Sounds like it is anxiety, like mine seems to be. Relax and BREATHE. :)


Hey, thank you for the reply. Reading what you have put has made me feel slightly better! :) You made a good point actually, about how you can have all of the things they tell you not to eat. I'm exactly the same I mean, when it went away for about a month I had chocolate, fizzy pop and all sorts and I was fine. And it's the same now, my symptoms don't worsen they remain the same. Except, when I got up this morning I was okay but it's got worse my bladder pain during the day because I've just sat here crying and worrying and constantly thinking about it because I'm that scared of having this thing I really really don't want. Do you get like an ache, sorry for too much information but is your pain in your vagina near the clitoris because that's where my achey pain is which I presume to be my bladder. Like I know it's not the clitoris it feels like it's behind it, and it's the pain I get just before a UTI. x

14-03-15, 23:37

About the bladder pain.. when I was worrying myself to death about bladder cancer I had bladder pain and it went when I was told there was nothing wrong with me :)

15-03-15, 10:29
I'm scared of this at the moment to. I've suffered from on and off frequent urination since the end of November last year. It can disappear completely for 2-3 weeks then comes back again. I'm not in pain just a general uncomfortableness in my bladder. It doesn't wake me through the night either. I was convinced I had ovarian cancer but calmed myself when I ensured myself that it wouldn't go away and come back if it was cancer. It's by far my worst symptom as I'm scared to go anywhere where there might not be access to the toilet. X