View Full Version : Got Electricuted :( please help

26-02-15, 15:26
Hi this morning at around 12 or so I was making myself toast, and i was bare foot when i went to reach the the toast they wouldnt come out, so I pressed on the side to lift them,
my kitchen is messy so im not sure exactly what it was but suddenly i felt this electric schock go into my arm for about 2 -3 seconds

Since then ive had chest pains in the heart area, and alot of pain in my left arm, even as i type it hurts a bit

my chest feels tight and i feel a bit out of it also because of the shock and fear.

its now 5 so its been about 5 hours since its happened...
there were some moments where it was really strong pains but went away

could this all be the anxiety or did something happen to my heart :( ?

im very afraid and i dont want to go to the hospital because my family is very unsupportive of all my "fears"

please any advice would be amazing! thank you

26-02-15, 15:50
I hope that your ok, by the time you read this you might of made your decision about going to the hospital. I think that if you should pop along to your gp or hospital. Its important you get it checked just in case. Put your mind at rest.

26-02-15, 16:05
Were you attempting to lift out the toast by inserting a knife down into the insides of the toaster?

If you attempt this you MUST always make certain the toaster is disconnected from the mains first!!

26-02-15, 19:32
If you were fatally electrocuted, you'd be dead by now.

It's very, very, very hard to get terribly electrocuted by your house. If it's going to happen, it would happen if you were actually messing around and cutting wires without the power turned off (which you clearly weren't doing). Anything else won't do it.

Think of all the people who touch the prongs when unplugging something (yes, I've done that :) ), children who stick objects in sockets (I watched a girl do this when I was younger - she lived to tell the tale!), dogs that chew through cords, etc.

Getting zapped is painful, but I've been there and it's not fatal.

If it makes you feel better, maybe ring up your doctor or health care center and tell them you were shocked and ask them if they think you need to come in to get looked at. If it puts your mind at ease, by all means - go for it!!

BUT if they tell you that you are fine, believe them :)

26-02-15, 20:07
Hi Mayalight.
I got a really bad shock all the way up my arm about six months ago.
I was fine. And my ex. boyfriend who was an Electrician used to get them all the time.
It obviously has sent your Anxiety rocketing and that's why you have the symptoms. :)

26-02-15, 20:38
I had this happen to me a few months ago, when I was 5 months pregnant. I freaked out thinking that I had damaged the baby and rang the hospital to talk to my midwife. She rang the main hospital for me, and they said that as long as you were not knocked over by the shock and as long as you were able to let go of the thing that shocked you then there is no damage done at all. I hope that makes you feel better.

27-02-15, 03:57
This has happened to me on multiple occasions. I'm a musician and have been electrocuted by faulty equipment a few times, sometimes really badly. If it was anything dangerous, you'd've passed out immediately after. Don't worry about it.

27-02-15, 07:52
As long as you were conscious then its a case of monitoring really. If its minor, no medical assistance is normally required according to our NHS. If you feel the area is a cause of irritation or pain then visiting your doctor would be a good idea and let them make the decision on what is required, if anything.

If the area is burnt, then maybe attention is required?

The rest, other than the arm pain, sounds like the anxiety side. Adrenaline can be circulating for hours waiting to metabolise and if you want to speed this up, get some exercise and do some deep breathing as thats the way adrenaline is forced to metabolise. Its likely you are anxious thus causing more of it so please try to relax for a while as it will settle it down and then you can reassess the situation.

Its best to have a look at the electrical device as well incase there is a problem with it and it needs throwing away. Was anything heavy pressing on the wires maybe if the kitchen was a bit messy?