View Full Version : sorry question about pooh!!

26-02-15, 18:14
I'm sorry to ask but I'm suffering from acid reflux at the moment and have a endoscopy booked in soon. My GP isn't worried and when I said I was anxious about what they might find, he said it'll just be acid and reflux.

However my pooh is orange and has been for a while, is this normal? I'm not going to google!!
I'm guessing it's probably related to my acid/anxiety?

Anyone else has this problem?

26-02-15, 19:43
Hi! I understand your worry, as I am a severe hypochondriac myself.

Different foods can cause orange stools including:

Any food with artificial yellow or orange coloring
Collard greens
Fresh thyme
Sweet potatoes
Turnip greens
Winter squash

Could be due to not enough bile. One reason that stool may not be absorbing enough bile is that the stool is moving through the body too quickly. Conditions such as IBS, SBS (Short Bowel Syndrome) can cause this.

I wouldn't worry. I know saying this won't work, but there are MANY causes of your condition.

In the mean time, I'd see a doctor about it. I'm NOT saying there's anything wrong, but it's always best to check it out and it will save days, even weeks and maybe months of worrying.

See if the orange stools disappear in a few days, because they really might!


Good luck

27-02-15, 08:57
If you Google 'Orange' + 'Pooh', I think its likely you will just pull up loads of pictures of Winnie!

Have you tried searching on the bowel complaints board, a sub board of Symptoms? There might be some relevant threads in there or people with bowel issues that can help?

Its good that your GP has stated he/she isn't worried and it sounds like this is a 'just in case' style examination. I hope it goes well for you.