View Full Version : my anxiety

26-02-15, 19:15
Has finally taken its toll, my constant worrying about my stomach symptoms being sinister have worn my wife down, she's told me she's had enough and cannot take anymore, so I've decided to move out on Monday and not burden her or my children with it anymore, Hopefully I can overcome this soon as right now if I'm honest, this isn't living....life is pretty shit right now

26-02-15, 21:36
i was where you are a couple of weeks ago..but with counseling and help i am now much better..going to cbt and minfulness..still worry but don;t obsess..ask dr for referral to cpn and take it from there..
gina x

26-02-15, 22:17
Gutted for you mate i can see myself going the same way my wife looks tired of me these days

26-02-15, 23:17
Aw I'm so sorry to hear that, it puts such a strain on relationships, me and my long term boyfriend broke up because I was insane from anxiety and an eating disorder, I wore him down to the point where he just couldn't take it and was moody and grumpy etc, we now in the process of getting back together after a couple of years apart, as I've taken some positive steps in improving my life, I still suffer, but I am starting therapy soon and have improved, so you can do it too!

Have you had any therapy?

Your kids still need you remember that, and don't blame yourself for this terrible affliction, it is what it is, but it's not your fault

26-02-15, 23:23
Have you talked to your wife about moving out?

A lot of people don't understand how best to deal with mental health issues. Anxiety is a mental health issue. It can be overcome by therapy and/or medication. If you go to a doctor about these worries and ask for help, they will be able to help you understand more about yourself and help you move on. Have you already gone to the doctor?

Moving away from your family will not treat the root of the problem. If you can help your wife understand how to help you, maybe she will be able to support you to get through your anxiety. Asking for help from the doctors or from counselling could really help you.

My family didn't understand my depression and I moved out suddenly after an argument with them. It left me shattered and suicidal for months. If only I had acted earlier to try to get their help, and help them understand how to help me, then maybe I wouldn't have had to move out so suddenly, and maybe my depression wouldn't have been as bad for so long.

I know that you will do the best thing you can do for yourself and I don't know your full situation. It's only in hindsight that I wish I'd been able to communicate better to my family in the early days of things, before it got too late.

Good luck. A lot of the time people do want to help but they don't understand how.

27-02-15, 00:09
I'm sorry to hear this. Having been on the your wife's side of the equation, I can tell you things would have turned out differently if my ex had made an effort in getting help. Long story short she didn't and I left. I lost my wife and life I had with my children and her due to mental illness.

Don't make the same mistake she did. GET HELP. Involve your wife. If she sees you making a concerted effort to get better, your marriage may stand a chance.

Positive thoughts