View Full Version : Blue Lips

27-02-15, 00:59
Hey all!

So my HA has been calm this past week - it has been lovely :)

However, before, my boyfriend who bless him has no idea about the extent of my HA said to me, "darling your lips are blue, you need to eat" in a light hearted manner. Our house currently is freezeing, you can see your own breath and I had eaten nothing of proper sustinance all day. The minute he said it, of course my HA kicked in full swing.

I feel fine, my breathing is fine - but I am obsessively checking my lips. They look red with a very very very faint dark tint to the lip line but I think this is normal? In our kitchen light they look ever so slightly blue ish somewhere, but under our bathroom light they look pink and even pale.

He didn't mean anything bad by this but i am panicking now that I do have blue lips and something bad is going to happen!!!

HELP! Is this all normal, Could it be from the cold house? Xxx

27-02-15, 01:26
Youre just cold sweetheart. It is probably best you eat something, wrap up warm and use it as an excuse to cuddle haha! Nothing bars going to happen though I promise you just cuddle with your boyfriend have a snack and your lips will be normal in no time! Hwhs get him to warm up your lips with amiss wink wink has:)