View Full Version : Nightmare pooh.

27-02-15, 02:28
I thought I was through this health anxiety bout. I had made peace with myself and began to accept that ALL my symptoms were benign.

I had been having yellowy loose stool/diarrhea for quite a while but chalked it up to my IBS... After calling my doctor and being reassured that it is my IBS I was feeling great.

Then it happened and I don't know what to do.

After having one of my loose pale/yellowy stools I inspected it and noticed that one fairly large piece of it was WHITE. Not pale brown or off yellow but white....

I went into a fit right there at work. Started crying, couldn't breath. I called my mother and she called my doctor. I got a phone call from my doctor at work and he told me that I have nothing to worry about with the white stool...

Am I right in suspecting that this doctor who has years and years of experience is missing something? Or should I trust him. He is sending me to a therapist soon but I am confused because the internet seems to say I am dying at the age of 25 from pancreatic cancer.

27-02-15, 08:28
this doctor who has years and years of experience


the internet

If a doctor's not worried you shouldn't be either. I know that's difficult. The internet is a terrible source of medical information because what you read is either so simplistic it's not fit for purpose as a diagnostic tool, or so complicated a layman can't understand it.

Take a deep breath and think of it like this - you don't know better than a doctor because you've done some Googling. Try to relax.

27-02-15, 15:25
I just can't shake the feeling that the doctor is more concerned with controlling my anxiety attacks than he is concerned about getting to the root of my bowel movements.

I don't know. White is such a scarey color to see in the toilet bowl. It makes me imagine my guts are just not working AT ALL. I hate this.

27-02-15, 15:44
The root of your poo issues IS your anxiety!

Positive thoughts

27-02-15, 16:10
I have also been having issues with IBS type symptoms and been struggling to accept them as not sinister, and like you I had thought I was through it until today when I found another ulcer in my mouth (second in a month) which fed directly into my particular fear of Crohn's disease.

Within hours I was sitting in a dentists chair having it checked out and the diagnosis was the same "you look like a stress wreck" basically.

In general I am happy with reassurance so long as it comes with an explanation eg. "You have x because y" or "this isn't that because z".

So maybe try to get that kind of explanation from your Dr, it might help. Otherwise don't prolong your agony and ask for further tests to put your mind at ease. It's wrong to get into habit of doing that for everything, but if there's one particular issue you just need that final word on, maybe that's the key.

28-02-15, 01:47
It was dark greenish yellow brown today! Finally its getting a bit of color. I am staying optimistic for tomorrows movement :P

28-02-15, 03:15
It was dark greenish yellow brown today! Finally its getting a bit of color. I am staying optimistic for tomorrows movement :P

I hope you recognize the ironic humor in your post :D

Looking forward to Sh(^%$# is an indication that you're WAY to fixated on bodily functions. I stand by my previous post concerning your anxiety disorder affecting you physically. Treat the real illness and you treat the physical ramifications thereof.

Positive thoughts

28-02-15, 10:34
Hi! I'm a hypochondriac myself, so I understand your worry.

Listen, just don't worry about it! Your doctor has already reassured you that it's nothing to worry about. You just need to listen to him as he is a trained health professional.


Good luck

28-02-15, 23:05
Thank you everyone and especially Fishmanpa. You have made me feel a lot better.

I am still focused on my movements but they seem to be looking more and more normal. I assume something sinister would cause worsening symptoms.

I still look forward to tomorrow being another reassuring day... but my doctor is getting me into therapy as soon as he can.

I am very lucky to have the doctor I do. He allows me to call him personally when I have a concern and he never seems frustrated or short with me... He can talk me down from the worst panic attacks.