View Full Version : Lump in the back of my neck

27-02-15, 10:33
Me again, seem to lurch from one worry to another. Found a small pea size lump in the back of my neck just above my hairline. Left it for two weeks ( well by leaving it I mean didn't run to the docs). I keep feeling it and mentioned it to the GP when I went for blood test results this morning. She didn't seem concerned and said it was so deep it could even be muscle. Told me to go back if it grows. Now I am worried sick. Think it could be lymphoma - my dad died of cancer when I was 18 - his started with a lump. I have obviously googled and have no other symptoms other than being light headed. I am so scared. The GP told me to check it weekly and leave it alone other than that. I will find this impossible. I had a full MRI on my head and neck last month but the lump wasn't there when I had it. Also had blood tests done 3 months ago which were normal. Can't stop thinking about lymphoma.

27-02-15, 11:27
HI.... My sister had 3 pea sized lumps at the back of her neck where you say yours is, and she went to the doctors to get them checked out and the doctor said that it was nothing to worry about and they ended up going away on their own, if you are worried just pop the doctors to get them cheked out

27-02-15, 12:05
Hi, the doctor looked at it this morning and did not seem concerned. She said let her know if it grows but only check it once a week. It will be hard not to keep feeling it - but that will make it worse.

How long did your sister have hers for.

27-02-15, 13:12
I've been worrying about a small pea sized lump behind my ear. The first time I saw my doctor, she said it was probably a lymph node, swollen up in response to an infection and to go back if it got bigger or didn't go in about 4 weeks. I gave it seven weeks and went back. This time she said it was just a harmless cyst or node and not to worry. Because of my anxiety she did say she could send me for a scan, but doubted whether they'd have an instrument able to scan something so small. She didn't want me to worry so suggested I go back in a month to have it checked again - for my peace of mind - not because it was concerning her. I've made an appointment but feel a bit guilty about wasting her time on it again, but she probably felt I'd need the reassurance. I actually forgot about it yesterday for most of the day and just realised at 1 pm that I've not felt it today, so I think I'm getting over it.

If your doctor is not concerned, try not to worry (I know how daft it it to say that) but she'd have you going to hospital to have it checked if she had any doubts.

27-02-15, 21:44

Could be a cyst? I don't know though, because the doctor would have identified it as a cyst at first glance.

Honestly, if it doesn't grow then it's nothing to worry about.


Good luck
Toby :)