View Full Version : Hello Everyone, newbie alert!

27-02-15, 17:40
Hi there.

I'm new to the forum, my name is Danielle, I am 25 years old. I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since 2008, following a bad experience with food poisoning. But I have always been an anxious person/worry wort. I suffered in my teens with low self-esteem and insomnia and developed really bad stomach issues in university which exacerbated my panic disorder and depression and often times I was barely leaving the house, let alone making it to lectures. Somehow I got a 2.1 honours degree... :yahoo: but yeah life was hell.

Since graduating, I've had a few retail jobs, most recently as supervisor in a health food store, so I've tried pretty much every 'natural remedy' for anxiety and depression, lemon balm, valerian, B vitamins, passionflower, relaxetea. Due to travel and a store change last November, unfortunately my illnesses overcame me and I'm now unemployed and having a very bad time with panic attacks. I've tried in the past, citalopram, sertraline, propranolol and I've just been given valium for a day's trial (NHS aren't likely to give repeat for it) because I have a christening to go to on Sunday.

Any ways, I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences with others and meeting new people who understand how dreadful anxiety is. Get in touch if you want any insider info on herbal remedies as well, like I said I've pretty much tried them all, I had 25% discount and made use of it.

Danielle. :D[/SIZE][/SIZE]

27-02-15, 17:48
Hiya Danielle_S and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

28-02-15, 18:30
Hi Danielle. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

06-03-15, 17:41
Thank you Mark, that is very true, I'm already feeling better from chatting through my problems and sharing with others.