View Full Version : Headaches and vomiting

27-02-15, 20:13
For the past month or so I've been getting headaches (I did post about it a few days ago) they are never really bad and generally go after I have taken some pain killers.

This morning I had a headache and the first time I was vomiting (one time but three times during the one visit to the bathroom). I had a really bad night with my anxiety and still feeling a little bit nervous in the morning but now I'm obviously worrying it's a brain tumour because of the headaches and vomiting.

I hadn't eaten anything the previous day apart from a banana because when I'm anxious I'm not hungry.

It has only happened the once (the vomiting) and I've still got a slight headache and a bit of a sore neck but I don't feel like I'm going to be sick anymore. The headache wasn't a bad one just a slight dull one.

Do you think I should be worrying or wait to see if it happens again?

A bit more info if needed: I suffered with headaches for 5 months everyday last year and my doctor says that's down to anxiety and stress so that's what I've assumed it is again, it's just the vomiting as well as the headache that's worrying me now.