View Full Version : got sent to hospital with low oxygen levels

27-02-15, 20:56
Finally plucked courage to go to doctors to be told my oxegon levels are too low go to hospital to say there fine and my hearts fast but ecg normal so go home and we will send a your doctor a email about your shortness of breathe and get a appointment for them breathing tube test things .

But I have pains in chest arm shoulder neck and back
Fast heart rate
Normal and low level of oxygen I'm really scared as my doctor really wanted them to check for blood clot and they did not

27-02-15, 21:09
Did you tell them you suffer from anxiety? Did anyone speak to you about hyperventilation?

27-02-15, 22:02
Doctors in hospital are far more current and on the ball than GP's as far as I'm concerned. They really are thorough with their tests.

So, I think I would find that element reassuring.

It sounds like they are suggesting a peak flow test so they want your GP to consider other conditions such as Asthma.

Don't worry about asthma, which it may not be anyway, because a great deal of people have this these days and it doesn't have to compromise your life at all. I've had asthma about 27 years and never had a problem. People run marathons with it and many athletes even have it.

I'm betting being sent up the hospital has made you very anxious but try to see that a hospital would not take this action if they thought there was any risk. I think your GP needs to do some explaining though.

Serenity has also given examples of what could impact your breathing.

27-02-15, 23:38
Definitely don't worry. Your GP was just being over cautious, which is a good thing! If the hospital sent you home then that's an even better thing! Terry is right, don't worry about asthma!

28-02-15, 12:20
No I did not mention anxiety but it's on my notes at doctors and hospital about it I do have asthma though the inhaler makes my heart race when my oxygen levels was 90 I did not have any shortness of breath at the time until he told me to keep breathing in until it hit 98 but kept going back down after breathing in .
At hospital it was ranging from 95_98 I think which they said was ok my ecg was ok but I do have near blacking out episodes too during the days which now scare me I used to just put it down to been over worked like when cleaning can hyperventilating syndrome cause this im very concerned I can't focus on anything today I read that when oxygen is 90 it's already doing damage I'm scared I may have copd from smoking I'm only 22 So she said that's near impossible but who knows iv had reflux for a year when this breathing thing first started and weight loss so I keep now having bad panic attacks again

28-02-15, 12:39
The normal range is 95-100, so you were within range when you saw them.

The hospital know about the issue of oxygen levels dropping and what can occur, so if they thought there was any risk, I would expect they would want to monitor you further rather than risk sending you home.

90+ is ok. If it drops below that, there would by symptoms to check for and the hospital would be making such checks.

Its worth talking to your GP further about this though so he/she can explain what occurred but I really think you need to concentrate on the actions of the hospital, they have consultants who are far more highly trained than GP's.

28-02-15, 15:58
Yes I know it still does not make the fear go away you see all these stories of young people been neglected and dieing from blood clots I'm very slim so you would think they would be some swelling somewhere but then iv been told you don't always swell with them I'm mad at hospital for not doing a blood tests and I do sit down a lot because I have days where I can't bare to move or anything so I sit there huddled up .

It just does not make sence why my levels was 90 in doctors and normal at hospital yet today I stand up and I'm nearly passing out my heart races I can't catch my breathe and my hearing and eyesight flickers out / sound goes like im under water

01-03-15, 07:07
Yes, I know what you mean, there are always stories of mistakes but we have to remember that they are rare. Where preventable deaths occur in hospitals, they are a big deal and end up in the media. There are cases where things go wrong, but compared to the correct decisions made by hospital doctors on a daily basis, its very rare.

It can be made to drop under certain conditions eg altitude sickness, diving with apparatus.

You have asthma and drops can be brought on by hyperventilation or respiratory conditions. Maybe there could be an issue there with control of your asthma, how your anxiety manifests itself with your breathing or a combination of the two? I've had a lot of times where I've not known if it was my asthma or my anxiety. Sometimes I have thought it was my anxiety to later find it was actually my asthma eg when I'm due a medication renewal and don't swap inhalers at the right time.

I think this is why your GP is your first stop here. You need him/her to get to the bottom of this and rule out whether you need a medication change for your asthma or help with the breathing aspect of your anxiety or both.

01-03-15, 23:07
My oxygen levels often drop to 86 when my asthma isn't very good I have chronic brittle asthma I use a nebuliser , get your asthma checked