View Full Version : Very heavy ectopic beats please help..

27-02-15, 21:02
Firstly I have suffered on and off with anxiety and panic attacks for years.
Recently ive been pretty anxious but am on the down hill now and much calmer.

I basically wanted to ask about people's experience with palpitations as these are something new to me.

I sometimes get single ectopic beats that feel really heavy and scare me pretty bad.
I've had single ectopic thuds before but these feel like a long pause and a much heavier thump in the centre of my chest.

Does anyone else get this as opposed to the fluttering of palpitations.
I don't bother about feeling my heart beat as I've come to accept that as something I focus on and can be ignored.

I also get the flutter of palpitations recently when I get into bed on a night and lurch forward but these don't bother me too much either compared to the single very hard beat ectopic ones.

My resting heart rate is often around 55 when I'm relaxed and when I'm anxious can get up to around 120 or thereabouts at its highest but is made of solid and regular beats most often.

I have slowed down exercise recently but can complete the 7 minute cardio workout at 100% intensity which gets my heart up to about 150...

I'm 6'3 , 80kg / 12 stone and 37 years old if it's of any value.

I've recently started getting these single heavy beats or heavy feeling flutters of 2 or three which makes my chest feel warm in the centre and I go slightly light headed for a split second.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Additionally..I had an ecg 4 months ago which was normal and saw a cardiologist who dismissed me with no further tests. Partly because I admitted to anxiety and also because of my detailing my physical exercise and age.
I do smoke and drink but this also didn't concern her.

the times that I get these single very heavy thumps seem to have no rhyme or reason and are at random times.

Kindest regards


27-02-15, 23:38
If a somewhat young person goes to a cardiologist and they admit they have anxiety, it's pretty much game over. They'll go on pilot mode and wait for their next consultation. Sad but true. Unless you were passing out or something.

Go to your GP with these symptoms and he'll absolutely have to send you for a 24 hour monitor. It's the only way to know what's going on. They do just sound like normal ectopics though. They can feel like a whole range of things and they can change at any time.

It's annoying how doctors look at anxiety but if you put yourself in their shoes, they probably have to deal with 100s of anxiety suffers who have self diagnosed and are convinced they're about to die.

It's definitely easier to give advice than to put it into practice but try not to worry.

I have a weird heart rhythm these days and I'm actually waiting on a 24 hour monitor next month, but I used to get lots of PVCs and there's a few things you can do to either eliminate them or greatly reduce them.

-No caffeine or alcohol at all

-Cut out all processed food and sweets

-Avoid MSG as much as possible (preferably completely)

-Go gluten free (not an absolute must but you could have a gluten intolerance and not even know it, it can be very hard at first though)

-Early nights. Do whatever you can to sleep deeply for at least 7 hours a night

-Drink at least 2 litres of water per day, preferably more. Not all at once, drink steadily throughout the day

-Supplement with magnesium, I think ionic liquid magnesium and magnesium oil that you absorb through the skin is best

-Supplement with vitamin D3. 'Thorne D3/K2' is the best.

-Eat plenty of potassium. At least 5 bananas a day, potatoes, avocados.

-Use sea salt instead of table salt and don't be afraid to use it (within reason)

I don't know how dedicated of a person you are but I can almost guarantee if you followed these steps for 3 months you'd see a huge improvement if not an elimination of your ectopics. You'll probably notice a difference a lot sooner than 3 months but it can take time to fully restore vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Blood tests won't show if you're deficient in magnesium as only 1% of it is in your blood. The body has to regulate magnesium bood levels otherwise you would die, so it has to stay constant. I've done hoursss of reading on all of this and it's all out there if you want to aswell.

Good luck.

27-02-15, 23:55
Thanks for the reply..my gp is total crap where anxiety is concerned and took 2 years of pleading and my employers forcing him to refer me for CBT.
getting referred to a cardiologist was a huge task and he won't have a 24hr monitor or know how to use one.....anyways

I know because I don't faint I shouldn't worry too much but the big thump ectopics make me feel weird and like as though I may pass out as opposed to flutters which I just experience.

Thankfully they're not as often and not during exercise..about every 5 days to a week.

I just wondered if people feel other effects of palps than just feeling the palpitation itself.

I will use your advise though and it is very much appreciated.
Thank you again

13-03-15, 23:29
Hi, I've had heavy thumps too. Had ectopics for years and once walking up stairs felt like someone had punched me in the centre of my chest! From what I've been informed what you are actually experiencing isn't the premature beat, but rather the compensatory beat after a short delay as the heart works a bit harder to pump at that point. Completely normal and absolutely nothing to worry about.

I'm sure if you asked 100 people who are aware of ectopic beats well over 90% would admit to experiencing that sensation at some point.

Chin up, I know it's hard but your consultant wouldn't discharge you unless they had absolutely no concerns about your heart.

01-04-15, 00:07
Sounds like your very much on the same trip as I'm on .
Frustrating hardly covers it .
The above post about the magnesium pills ..from local health shop ..do this
Also the water ..I'm drinking about 3 to 4 litres a day ... It works
Last thing to do as a test ... Lie down flat on the floor ..take a resting pulse after 5 minutes .....and if possible blood pressure ..machine from boots chemist £20
Then stand up and do it right away ... You should see a slight rise in blood pressure .then drop back to normal ..your heart should be about 10 beats faster per minute .
Stay standing ..and do heart rate at 5 mins then 10 mins
I found mine would keep going up without moving to more then 30 beats per minute faster then my resting ....
I found this out by accident ..my doctor was hopeless .
When it got to higher beats it threw in some palpitations .
Nothing wrong with the heart ...it's something called pots ....and anxiety forms a part of it .....not all of it ..
But test yourself this way ...because if you find it does the same as mine ..it gives you a direction to head in
Get back to me on the off chance it does ..

03-04-15, 08:29
I used to have the same thing... every time I slept (or tried to sleep) I would feel my heart beating before a sudden silence... and I can't feel any beats... so I quickly open my eyes and my heart is beating flat out... I also got in the shower, which made my HATE showing and when I played sport It would only take me about 1 minute to get tired and my heart would race and skip beats as if my heart was fed up with what it does. just don't worry about and believe it's not going to do any thing.

Best wishes :hugs: