View Full Version : Stomach problems.... really scared.

27-02-15, 23:54
So I posed this earlier in the week and got no replies... I feel like I'm getting worse. I'm just gonna copy and paste from last time with update afterwards:

So 4 weeks ago to the day... I kind of stuffed myself with food, force fed being a more accurate description as I was desperate to get back into my training regime and wanted to fit in my 5th meal of the day even though I had eaten a very big meal out with friends a few hours earlier. Anyway, that night I woke up with intense acid like pain in my chest and my back. Following that, I felt like I had basically damaged my oesophagus for the next week and could only swallow small sips of water and very soft food. I was really worried about this but after a week or so it seemed to subside. During that time by the way, I felt like I had a constant urge to burp all the time, and swallowing felt like it was straining my throat all the way down.

So anyway, it's 4 weeks on, and I can swallow fine now, that side of things got better, however for a couple of weeks now I've been experiencing an intermittent pain in my stomach. It's sort of just under the left rib in the area where the stomach is. It comes and goes and on a scale of 1-10 the pain is about a 5. But it's worrying me because it doesn't seem to be going. Also again I keep feeling like I need to burp all the time, and every time I swallow, my stomach gurgles as whatever I swallow (even just saliva) enters it.

I went to the GP today who ordered blood tests for all sorts and I gave a stool sample. He also prescribed me Omeprazole for the acid. I'm just really worried it's something serious. I don't even want to mention the word but you know what I mean. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I can just feel myself going into a panic about this again :(

By the way I have been taking Oxytetracycline for the last few months for acne. I took it for a year prior to this, then stopped for a few months, but I've been back on it for a few months now.... I don't know if maybe that is the cause... I didn't experience any of this the last time I took it though :/

So this brings us to now... my stomach pains have worsened. Whereas before it was the odd twinge a few times a day for a few seconds, now it's a lot of the time and for longer. The feeling in my oesophagus is back as well when I swallow. It's as if my stomach is full of air, and when I swallow, it's pushing that air down and I feel it in my stomach, throat, and back. And I am constantly getting the urge to burp!

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I am seriously scared that it's stomach cancer or pancreatic cancer. I just want it to get better!

28-02-15, 00:03
Sorry no one replied last time.

I also went through a period similar to your symptoms, lots of wind and burping etc. I discussed with doctor who said possible anxiety so wait one month to see if symptoms settled. My symptoms slowly got better and although I probably burp more than most people, it is not every few minutes as before. If you are at all concerned, when you go back for blood test results, discuss other symptoms with doctor and see what they say.

28-02-15, 00:05
The thing is my symptoms are more than just wind and burping... it's a pain that's gotten worse over the weeks...

I have been prone to IBS-like flare ups in the past, I've had it happen badly about 3 times where my digestive system would feel off and I'd get discomfort for weeks but this time is different. I'm just going out of my mind with worry...

I guess the reason I'm posting here is to really ask, can these symptoms be simply caused by IBS, or acid reflux? I'm talking the specific symptoms I've mentioned, and also for the duration that I've had them. I was even hesitant to post here as I really am on the edge of full blown panic over this.

01-03-15, 06:01
hi ive been having similar problem likeyours and ive already been to my doctor every week i have also pain in thesame exact as my stomach sometimes i canfeel the food is stucked there and pain that goes everyehere.he gave me nexium and zantac it helps but still is there bothering me day and night

01-03-15, 12:05
Where exactly is your pain? Also how long have you had it for? Have they done any tests?

(thanks for the reply by the way)

04-03-15, 05:49
exactly in the middle below my breastbone. two years ago i have two catscan and ultrasound because ack then it was in my lower rignht abdomen that its hurting and it was all normal and now i had this pain for months already,and its really freaking me out,my boss died of pancreatic cancer 2 months ago...so it does add fear really stressing me out

05-03-15, 11:20
My blood tests and stool sample came back clear today... so now I've been referred to a gastroenterologist...

Still getting the pain in my back when I swallow. It's really worrying me still although the GP today reassured me a little saying he just thinks it's some inflammation/gastritis.

05-03-15, 13:10
You mentioned in your first post about a training regime....are you doing weights/gym work?

Under the left rib, there are several trigger points for muscles - namely in that area the Rectus abdominis. This pain refers around the middle of the back as well.

A strained or tense rectus abdominis muscle can cause abdominal symptoms such as bloating, constipation, acid reflux, heartburn and stomach pain. If everything else was clear, I'm inclined to go in that direction if you do a lot of gym work (and if it flared up after the gym work)

05-03-15, 13:33
Steve, I have Gastro esophagil reflux disease, I take nexium (esomeprazole) for it and quite often ranitidine, metoclopramide and gaviscon advance.

I get severe pain right in the centre of my chest/top of stomach, I also get pain in my back and often that build up of pressure where you constantly need to burp to relive it. Its acid reflux. I imagine the other pain you are getting could be related to training, or possibly the acid passing through your system.

You are describing very typical symptoms of reflux, I have had it for 12 years, so if it is that, and it sounds like it is, medication will sort it out.

05-03-15, 15:55
You mentioned in your first post about a training regime....are you doing weights/gym work?

Under the left rib, there are several trigger points for muscles - namely in that area the Rectus abdominis. This pain refers around the middle of the back as well.

A strained or tense rectus abdominis muscle can cause abdominal symptoms such as bloating, constipation, acid reflux, heartburn and stomach pain. If everything else was clear, I'm inclined to go in that direction if you do a lot of gym work (and if it flared up after the gym work)

Hmm... that's interesting. Yeah it's heavy weight training that I do 5 times a week... The thing is the pain is there only when I swallow/after swallowing... not when I move. Although all those things minus the constipation I have been experiencing and actually I noticed that I get that pain under the left rib more so during/after a workout...

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

Steve, I have Gastro esophagil reflux disease, I take nexium (esomeprazole) for it and quite often ranitidine, metoclopramide and gaviscon advance.

I get severe pain right in the centre of my chest/top of stomach, I also get pain in my back and often that build up of pressure where you constantly need to burp to relive it. Its acid reflux. I imagine the other pain you are getting could be related to training, or possibly the acid passing through your system.

You are describing very typical symptoms of reflux, I have had it for 12 years, so if it is that, and it sounds like it is, medication will sort it out.

I don't typically get the standard heartburn/acid feeling loads, but more so when I drink coffee for example which I've totally cut out now. But yeah the things you described are what I am experiencing. The stomach pains have kind of subsided, it's just this back pain mainly now and feeling of pressure in my oesophagus, like you described, like I need to burp to relieve it but it doesn't seem to make a difference if I do burp...