View Full Version : White /Yellow tongue

16-01-07, 15:27

This is the first time I have posted on here so hope I get it right. I have been reading through other peoples posts for about a month since stumbling across this website on google while trying to find an explanation for my horrible looking tongue I seem to have developed. I am glad I have found this site as no doubt I would have continued to Google myself into a right state.

About a month ago I developed this white coating on my tongue and am really concerned about it. sometimes it's white and sometimes it looks a little more yellow across the surface. I have tried using a tongue scraper in the morning then brushing my teeth then using Cordysl Mouth wash morning and night but a month later it is still there. I have a doctors appointment on Monday morning but am really worried he is going to tell me it is something serious. I am asthmatic and use inhalers every day, but Ive been using them for about twenty years so seems funny they would be the cause now. Any ideas ?

Thanks for reading my post.

16-01-07, 15:34

i too have had this and was really worried - i asked the doctor on one of my many trips and my doctor told me it is completely normal. i find that mine is bad after drinking tea or coffee or eating dairy and if i drink alcohol. apparently your tongue harbours the most bacteria in your body and this can build up. i found that when i stopped brushing it and scraping it, it seemed to calm down abit - im fairly sure its nothing to worry about!

Juicy x

16-01-07, 15:35
hey there, welcome to nmp

just a guess, but are you on any meds for anxiety or depression,

as it can give you a white coating on your toungue?

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"