View Full Version : found a lump in my nose :(

28-02-15, 21:47
hi guys iv found a lump inside my nose about the size of a pea but its kind of a flat lump if that makes sense its on the roof of the inside of my nose I don't have it on the other side and as you can imagine its got me quite worried :weep: does anyone know what this could be? I obviously don't want to google xx

28-02-15, 22:06
Am I the only one thinking how and why the lump was discovered in the first place? :huh:

I can't say if it's normal as I've not done any exploratory expeditions into my nasal regions but unless it's causing breathing issues or is painful, I wouldn't give much thought to it.

Positive thoughts

28-02-15, 22:12
lol I was thinking when writing this people are gunna know I was having a good old root about up my nose haha yep I was I was picking my nose ;) I have a lot of sinus issues which results in a lot of nasty bogies that irritate my nose sometimes lol I just checked out nasal polyps and im thinking that's what it might possibly be, il get it checked out Monday though I don't want to risk it not with a lump any wa, thank you fishmanpa :)

28-02-15, 22:27
~lol~ Anytime! :D And yeah, based on chronic sinus issues it's most likely something related.

Positive thoughts

01-03-15, 07:10
If you have problems up there, could it even be s scab from irritation or scratching/pecking? Sometimes scabs can heal quite smooth and they can feel like a lump and in the cramped space of your nostrils, you can't really move your fingure much to try to find an edge.

01-03-15, 20:38
I have a lump like a pea up both of my noses.

I thought it was normal. My husband has them and so do my mum.

You may be talking about a different lump to me so maybe you should take a picture? ;)

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

Sorry nostrils.

I only actually have one nose.

02-03-15, 00:24
I had one that freaked me out for weeks... then when I finally left it alone, it fell off lol. Never came back. I think we all have weird bumps up there ... just part of the nose maybe.