View Full Version : New member introducing myself

28-02-15, 22:34

I am a mum of 2 and have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since i was 16.
I have always been a massive worrier looking back.....I used to cry myself to sleep thinking my mum was going to die from smoking. I was also extremely shy at school and would skip lessons when i knew i would have to public speak and go bright red if anyone talked to me luckily for me i got better in that aspect.
After i had my first child my anxiety got really bad and i was diagnosed with pnd. I have been on 20mg citalopram for 6 years now. I used to take diazepam but am now on propranolol.
I always think I'm going to end up being sectioned which is my biggest fear. I always think i am losing my mind when in the midst of a panic attack my whole body shakes and sorry for too much info but i have to constantly go to the toilet. On bad days this will last hours and i get to the point where i can't take it my mind races and i can't think straight. Its like that horrible feeling you get when you think something terrible has happened and your stomach does a somersault but it doesn't go away and theres no reason for it :/ luckily the medication seems to help.
Never joined anything like this before. Would love to hear if anyone feels same as me to make me feel a little more normal :) :yesyes:

28-02-15, 22:39
Hiya Beaubelles and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: