View Full Version : Eptopic heart beats

chatty girl
01-03-15, 07:04
Morning all, so I've been diagnosed with eptopic heart beats, my doctor said there pretty common and I've got to try and ignore them/not worry about them, easier said than done as we all know. But what I really don't understand is why just like now when im fully relaxed laying in bed with my 3yr old do I suddenly get a couple!

Does anyone else have this?

At first I got them more when I'd sit down and the brain would start but today I hadn't even given it a thought, I'd just woken up!

Thanks guys x

01-03-15, 13:31
I had them all the time when I last had health anxiety, when I got passed my health anxiety a rarely had any at all, now my health anxiety is back they are becoming much more frequent, even at times where im relaxed, the thing is with anxiety is we don't have to feel anxious to be anxious, our bodies are constantly pumping out for adrenalin then people with out anxiety disorders and our bodies even though we might not feel like it are on high alert and this results in anxiety symptoms even when were not feeling particularly anxious, our bodies still are, so having ectopic beats when your feeling ok and relaxed is perfectly normal :) xx