View Full Version : My nose and eye look odd ...its not in my imagination...

01-03-15, 08:52
I'm 40 years old I noticed one eye looks bigger than the other...I got used to it...my daughter noticed it....my eye brow looks higher on one eye than the other accepted it...yesterday I had some passport pictures taken and to my horror I noticed my nose doesn't look right one nostril is bigger than the other my nose has looked strange but I just kept thinking it was my imagination clearly not ....pictures don't lie ....what is happening to me I've has this face all my life why is it changing now ....

01-03-15, 20:20
Hi :). Please don't worry yourself too much, the more you focus on something the worse it can seem-i know this all too well! On every picture my mouth looks slightly wonky on one side! No one noticed until I pointed it out! When I examine my face I notice all sorts of things, one eye on a different place, one nostril bigger than the other etc. I would say if you're really concerned just see your gp, if anything to put your mind at ease. But try not to worry about it, I should take my own advice more! Feel better soon :)