View Full Version : Bad day!!!

01-03-15, 11:10
Hi, well this is my first post on the forum. I'm having a really bad anxious day, probably not helped by the fact I was drinking last night �� I've been having sharp stabbing pain by my left breast which I've had before and it normally goes away eventually. But it's also making my shoulder hurt. I mentioned the stabbing pain to my gp and she thinks it's because of muscle tension and nothing to do with my heart. But I've now got it in my head that it's a pulmonary embolism!!! I've managed to completely wind myself up over it. My first talk therapy session isn't until 18th March....

01-03-15, 14:16

I can relate in many ways, I drank on Friday and have anxious headaches til today, I've had this headache before and know it goes away when I relax and forget about it but guess what I'm still worrying!

It's hard isn't it, especially when we know the pain but still can't stop worrying, most likely the muscle tension I get it in my left breast, I ended up in an ambulance once having an ECG and bloods etc just to find out I was fine then the pain went, so you're not alone.

I'm starting talking therapy soon also, I really hope it helps you :)

If you need to talk drop me a message :)