View Full Version : Chest x ray.

01-03-15, 14:09
I was at my doctors last week and i said about my concern with my right shoulder/back/neck stiffness being my lung. I asked if the shoulder x ray i had 2 weeks ago would have shown my lung and she said yes some of it. Which having Health anxiety doesn't help saying only some. She listened to my chest and made me blow into a peak flow monitor and she said because i was worried she would send me for a chest x ray but she wouldn't normally do it for anyone else.

01-03-15, 15:29
Hi Zippy

hope your well?, this seems we have the same problems with the shoulder and arm and neck.
The xray if only for the shoulder will only show part of the right lung, and they will only look at anything to do with what the xray has been taken for.

how is the discomfort in you shoulder know?
I have been given omeprazole for acid reflux. 56 tablets shoulder is still the same.
They sent me for a chest xray after pushing the dr. The xray came back clear.

01-03-15, 18:02
It's there everyday and i also was given acid tablets which haven't helped the shoulder/back. I also have a 2cm gallstone so they are blaming that for my shoulder but i don't get pain in my gallbladder area.

01-03-15, 19:04
Hi Zippy, I have also got pain in shoulder and also between shoulder blades and my chest. I feel sometimes like I have a cough coming on, or am recovering from one. I don't smoke and have just had an ecg, which was ok but having a scan for my chest soon. I am already on Lanzoprazol for ibs. Feel achey in my body, I'm on holiday too and it's spoiling it for me. Just want re-assurance really, any ideas what it could be with anyone?